UA Health and Medical Questions




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Module 09 – Class Activity Part I. Using the modified PICO format below, brainstorm a series of prognostic research questions. You should generate at least 3 questions with a continuous variable format for the outcome and 3 questions with a dichotomous variable format for the outcome. Modified PICO template: In _______ (Population), does ________ (Exposure) compared to ________ (Comparison) influence _________ (Outcome) over _________ (Time frame)? Part II. Select one of the prognostic research questions from your list above, and paste it here: _____________________________________________________________________ In African Americans with Hypertension does telemonitoring blood pressure compared to adherence to medication improve blood pressure control within 4 months of medication initiation? 1. Search PubMed for an original research publication that is based on a prospective cohort study design and is relevant to your selected research question. It may help to use this search string: (exposure term) and (outcome term) and (‘cohort study’). Paste the citation and link to the paper here: 2. Open the full research article to answer the following questions from the Methods section: a. What is the population of interest? b. List 1-3 of the key exposures measured at baseline: c. What is the main health outcome of interest? d. What was the time frame for following up the cohort for assessing the main health outcome? Part III. In lecture 3, you were introduced to the STROBE checklist of components to include in a cohort study. We will continue going through items 13-22 on the checklist here. Open the Million Veterans Research Article by Ivey, et al, 2021, and the companion Supplementary Materials found in the module. Provide the relevant information as requested below: Item 13. a. Paragraph of the results section that describes this information: b. Is a flow diagram included? c. If so, what is the figure number? Item 14. a. Does the paper report the number with missing data? If so, in what paragraph of the results and/or in what part of the table? b. What is reported about follow up time in the methods or results? c. Is a table included that summarizes study participant characteristics and key exposures? If so, what is the table number? Item 15. What is/are the key outcome event(s)? Item 16. a. What is the table number that reports the confounder-adjusted estimates for plasma lipids in those who did not use antilipemic agents? b. What is the statistical method used to produce these estimates? c. What is the measure of precision shown in this table? d. List 3 confounders adjusted for in the model: Item 18. In what paragraph of the Discussion are the main results summarized? Item 19: In what paragraph of the Discussion are potential sources of bias discussed? Name at least two limitations described by the authors: ❖ It is not possible to establish the causality of the observed results due to the observational nature of the study. ❖ It is also hard to rule out residual or unmeasured confounders ❖ There is lack of data on medication adherence Item 20: In what paragraph(s) of the Discussion do the authors primarily compare their results with other relevant literature? Item 21: Do the authors discuss generalizability? If so, in what paragraph? Item 22: What is the source of funding for the study?
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19 Questions