GEOG 241 Interpreting Climographs for Weather and Climate Worksheet

GEOG 241 Interpreting Climographs for Weather and Climate Worksheet







GEOG241 – WEATHER AND CLIMATE Assignment#3 Making and Interpreting Climographs Student Worksheet Deadline: 31-10-2023 – 11:59 pm Name: Key Concepts • Constructing a climograph • Interpreting climographs • Temperature change over time Part 1: Directions: On the blank set of axes provided below, construct a climograph with the data set given. 1. Label the x- axis Jan, Feb, etc. 2. Label the left y-axis “temperature in degrees Celsius”. 3. Label the right y-axis “rainfall in millimetres”. 4. Plot temperature using a line graph. 5. Plot rainfall as a bar graph. Example: 1|Page 1. Using the below table, and the space provided, construct a climate graph for Halifax, Nova Scotia. HALIFAX, NS TEMPERATURE (°C) PRECIPITATION (mm) 0 -5 J F M A M J J A S O N D -3 -4 0 5 10 14 19 19 16 10 5 -1 141 119 113 112 119 94 94 96 117 120 143 126 35 260 30 240 25 220 20 200 15 180 10 160 5 140 0 120 -5 100 -10 80 -15 60 -20 40 -25 20 -30 0 °C J F M A M J J A S O N D 0 mm 2. a) Look at the climate graph you have prepared above. What are the annual maximum and minimum temperatures? In which months do they occur? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b) What is the annual temperature range for Halifax? _______________________ c) For how many months are the temperatures below freezing? _______________ 3. a) What is the total annual precipitation? ________________________________ b) Does the precipitation fall evenly throughout the year or are there seasonal differences? _____________________________________________________________ 4. a) Draw a horizontal line across the graph at approx. 5.6°C. Label this line the “growing season”. At this temperature most common grasses start to grow. 2|Page b) Use a colour or, shade in the area that falls below the temperature line and above the growing season line. c) Based on your graph, how long is the growing season in Halifax? ___________ 5. Using the below table, and the space provided, construct a climate graph for Churchill, Manitoba. CHURCHILL, MB TEMPERATURE (°C) PRECIPITATION (mm) J F M A M J J A S O N D -28 -26 -20 -10 -2 6 12 11 5 -2 -12 -22 15 13 18 23 32 44 46 58 51 40 39 21 35 130 30 120 25 110 20 100 15 90 10 80 5 70 0 60 -5 50 -10 40 -15 30 -20 20 -25 10 -30 0 °C J F M A M J J A S O N D mm 6. a) What differences in temperature and precipitation do you see between Churchill and Halifax? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b) Why do you think these differences occur? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3|Page 7. Using data from Table 1 &2, fill out the table below Halifax Churchill Average Annual Temperature (°C) Annual Temperature Range Total Annual Precipitation (mm) Average Annual Precipitation (mm) Seasonal Distribution of precipitation 8. What is the temperature difference between the hottest and coldest months in Churchill? Part 2: DIRECTIONS: Use the following climographs to answer each of the related questions • Use google map and the listed coordinates to identify each of these cities. • Elev:62 ft, 25.26 °N, 51.47 °E, Annual Climatology (City): ______________________ 4|Page • Elev: 6062 ft Lat: 41°8′ N Long: 104°48′ W, Annual Climatology (City): ____________ Elev: 48 ft Lat: 27°56′ N Long: 82°27′ W, Annual Climatology (City): _____________ , ____ 5|Page Based on above Climographs answer the following questions: 1. Which city has the warmest annual temperature? Why? 2. Which city has the largest total annual precipitation? Why? 3. Which city has the largest annual temperature range? Why? 4. After studying the climates of these three cities – explain which city you would most like to move to and the reasons why? 6|Page
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