HU Science Wheel of Wellness Self Assessment Questions
Wheel of Wellness: Self Assessment 5 Life Task Ratings Life Task 1: Spirituality Wellness Rating: 6 Satisfaction with Rating: 3 Description: have been attending my temple for over 8 years and know a lot of people there, but I don’t feel very spiritual. I used to pray a lot and read daily devotions, but lately I do not seem to have time. This is why I rated myself a 6 in wellness. I am not very satisfied with this rating and believe my life would be better if I found a way to connect spiritually in my daily life and with my congregation. (You do not need go into details about what you would do to improve. This will be addressed in the treatment planning phase.) Life Task 2: Self-Direction Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Life Task 3: Work and Leisure Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Life Task 4: Friendship Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Life Task 5: Love Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Wheel of Wellness: Self Assessment 12 Self-Direction Subtasks Ratings Subtask 1: Sense of Worth Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 2: Sense of Control Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 3: Realistic Beliefs Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 4: Emotional Awareness and Coping Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 5: Problem Solving and Creativity Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 6: Sense of Humor Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 7: Nutrition Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 8: Exercise Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 9: Self Care Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 10: Stress Management Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 11: Gender Identity Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Subtask 12: Cultural Identity Wellness Rating: Satisfaction with Rating: Description: Themes and Patterns- (1 page maximum) One Task or Subtask I would like to strengthen, with explanation (1 page maximum) Wellness Plan- (1 page maximum)
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3 pages