BC Self and Other Chapter 11 Questions
BC Self and Other Chapter 11 Questions
In addition to reading the chapter, you are tasked with finding one piece of empirical evidence that you will bring to class and summarize in your discussion post. This could be, but need not be, a journal article; however, it should be more than an anecdote or a factoid from Wikipedia. Some possibilities could include, but are not limited to,
(i) wanting to follow up on the evidence for a claim made by Pinker, e.g. to challenge the claim (the notes from the chapter references from the book are appended below);
(ii) checking how a claim made by Pinker made in a different context (e.g., US) would apply in Canada; or
(iii) considering some other issue related to crime, punishment, or justice that is not mentioned in the Pinker chapter but where you think moral psychology would be relevant.
With this empirical evidence, you need to do two things:
(i) Include a summary of the evidence in your discussion post this week, and
(ii) Be ready to briefly summarize and discuss your evidence in class (I will structure class around each student’s evidence).
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