HUS 141 MDC Services Prioritization from Community Agencies Discussion

HUS 141 MDC Services Prioritization from Community Agencies Discussion






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Choice Theory and Reality Therapy Assignment Identify a current “real-life” problem or situation that you are wanting to create a change. It is important to select a real problem so you can optimally benefit from this activity. Do not select something that is too personal or would require outside professional resources or help. Respond to the questions on this page and provide your answers in the comments section. During your personal reflection this week, provide a summary reaction to completing this activity. Discuss what you learned about reality therapy and what you learned about yourself. WANTS What do you want? What does a quality life, relationship, job, etc. look like for you? What do your loved ones want for you? DOING What are you doing? (acting, thinking, feeling, physiology) that is problematic When you act this way, what are you thinking? When you think/act this way, how are you feeling? How do your thoughts/actions affect your health and wellbeing? EVALUATE Is what you are doing, helping you get what you want? Is what you want achievable? How hard are you prepared to work at this? PLAN What are you prepared to do/think differently that will take you in the direction you want to go? Are you clear about what you are going to do? Is it reasonable and doable? How will you know you have done it? Can you start doing it immediately? How committed to doing it?
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