BC Bonhoeffer and the Churchs Response to Hitler Discussion

BC Bonhoeffer and the Churchs Response to Hitler Discussion




Watch the video, “Bonhoeffer Speaks Out Against Hitler.”  (This video is from Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Pacifist, Nazi Resister.Bonhoeffer spoke out against Hitler and as you saw, the radio broadcast was cut off. You probably studied Bonhoeffer in DCM or another class.

Choose 1,2 or 3 and put the questions before your post answers so others will know what you are answering. Use the same DB instructions as before with a Christian view.

1) Who spoke of the God’s role in the destiny of the German people in this video? “Lord, we do not let you go. Now bless our struggle, our liberty, and with that our German people and our fatherland.” When have you heard speeches in the U. S. with similar words in your lifetime?

2) Hitler speaks of “winning back the inner strength and health of the German people,” “to revive our German people,” and “for the salvation of German people.” Bishop Wolfgang Huber describes this foundation as justifying the exclusion of others. How is this relevant in today’s world?

3) How did the evangelical church respond to Hitler? What do you believe the church should have done? If similar things were to happen in the U. S., what should the church do?