PSY 2210 NSCC Public Policy for Sustainability Discussion
PSY 2210 NSCC Public Policy for Sustainability Discussion
Public policy can be used to provide more incentives for conserving and penalties for consuming. For example, raising the gasoline tax by 50 cents or $1 per gallon would create pressure for smaller and more fuel-efficient vehicles. These taxes could be used to support mass transit. Large tax credits could be given for using sustainable energy such as solar and wind power, and prices for natural gas and electricity could be increased. This would encourage energy conservation and the greater use of renewable energy. Tax incentives could be provided for making existing housing more energy efficient. Building codes could be changed to require greater energy efficiency and the use of renewable building products. Greater efforts could be made to encourage or require recycling. The use of hazardous chemicals could be banned. Corporations could be taxed for the depletion of resources and for pollution. This might encourage greater environmental responsibility. Tax credits for children could be capped at two children. This would be an attempt to limit population growth.
What is your opinion of measures such as these? Can a sustainable future be achieved without severely damaging the economy and undermining individual rights?
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