ATC Psychology The Accuracy of Handedness Tests Discussion
ATC Psychology The Accuracy of Handedness Tests Discussion
Question Description
I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.
Topic is : Observation Topic : handedness and language lateralization
This observation has several questions:
- Read the section on laterality in the notes. Are you left or right handed (or ambidextrous)? How do you know? (use the handedness test in the notes or find another one online) Discuss the accuracy of the test in your experience.
- Then, watch at least 2 others when they gesture while speaking, can you spot unilateral patterns? Ask them if they are right or left handed or ambidextrous (they don’t have to do the handedness test, whatever they report is fine). Make sure to provide good details in your description.
- Have someone watch you, do you have a hand preference for gestures that accompany speech? Again, make sure to provide good details in your description.
- Use the notes, and this finding “Studies in human subjects indicate that manual gestures accompanied by speech are produced more often by the right compared to the left hand” (Hopkins and Cantero, 2003). Was this the case for your observations?
- Based on your handedness and your gesturing, and the handedness and gesturing of the 2 people you observe, what is your guess about language lateralization in the 3 of you? (it can be a percentage) Be sure to explain the foundation of your guess based on the notes!
Explanation & Answer:
2 Paragraphs