PSY 2210 Nashville State Community College Psychology of Social Behavior Discussion

PSY 2210 Nashville State Community College Psychology of Social Behavior Discussion




Unit 3 Discussion: Love

Describe some of your favorite romantic movies and some love songs. How do these movies and songs portray love? Can you think of movies or songs that reflect each of the three facets of the triangular theory of love? Can you think of movies or songs that reflect some of the attachment styles?


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Close Relationships RELATIONSHIPS CHANGE  Close, romantic relationships are important. 90% of persons will marry. Although many of these don’ don’t last, most persons still look for a stable romantic relationship (SUITABLE TO DATE)  VALUE STAGE (SIMILARITY)  ROLE STAGE (MUTUALLY FULFILLING ROLES)  STIMULUS STAGE 1= strongly disagree; 2= slightly disagree; 3= neither agree or disagree; 4= slightly agree; 5= strongly agree  1. I cannot imagine being without my LOVE 1= strongly disagree; 2= slightly disagree; 3= neither agree or disagree; 4= slightly agree; 5= strongly agree  6. I have a warm and comfortable relationship with my partner  7. I experience intimate communication with my partner  8. I feel emotionally close to my partner  9. I strongly desire to promote the wellwellbeing of my partner  10. I am willing to share myself and my possessions with my partner partner  2. I adore my partner  3. I find myself thinking about my partner frequently during the day  4. Just seeing my partner is exciting to me  5. I find my partner very attractive physically 1= strongly disagree; 2= slightly disagree; 3= neither agree or disagree; 4= slightly agree; 5= strongly agree  11. I view my relationship with my partner as permanent  12. I would stay with my partner through the most difficult times  13. I view my relationship with my partner as, in part, a thoughtthought-out decision  14. I have great confidence in the stability of my relationship with my partner  15. I expect my love for my partner to last for the rest of my life Triangular Theory of Love Passion  Passion is an intense longing  Love Involves The Mixture of Three Feelings – Passion – Intimacy – Commitment accompanied by physiological and sexual arousal. With passionate love, we are often preoccupied with the person. Our heart may race when we see the person, and we may experience extreme highs when things go well. But, we may fear rejection and experience extreme lows when things go badly. Commitment Intimacy  Emotional intimacy involves strong caring for the other person. It involves strong affection for the person and the desire to spend time with the person and to be emotionally close.  Commitment involves the desire to stay with the partner in a permanent relationship. It involves a willingness to work hard to maintain the relationship. Lots of Love Not Much Love The members of this couple differ in their level of commitment. Passionate Love Intimacy Companionate Love Passion Commitment Passion Commitment Intimacy How do you approach relationships? COMPANIONATE LOVE  Attachment Style refers to the expectations that a person has about relationships. Three attachment styles have been identified. identified.  SECURE: People with the secure attachment style trust easily and have less difficulty developing sound relationships  AVOIDANT: people with the avoidant attachment style are reluctant to trust others and develop close relationships.  SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY    ANXIOUS/AMBIVALENT: Persons with this style want a close relationship, but are concerned that their feelings will not be returned. As a result, they experience higher levels of anxiety about the relationship. Commitment 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0   REWARDS & COSTS SATISFACTION ALTERNATIVES INVESTMENTS COMPANIONATE LOVE  EQUITY THEORY Satisfaction CL ALT Investment Commmitted Break Up  A relationship is equitable when it is fair to both parties.  We consider the equity or fairness of the relationship.  People tend to be happier in equitable relationships and equitable relationships are more stable.
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