Masters in Counseling and Development Program Admissions Essay

Masters in Counseling and Development Program Admissions Essay




Writing an admissions essay for a masters program and need someone to provide a bit of a template. Essay broken down into 3 parts with each part having their own unique questions. I ‘ll provide the required information, just need 3-5 sentence for each question to give me a bit of guidance on how i am to address each.

Anticipated Challenges:

What challenges do you anticipate as a student in the Counseling and Development program?

After  reflecting on this question, describe a specific plan that might help  you address the challenges and sustain a commitment to your professional  development and identity.

How will you know that you have been successful in overcoming/coping with those challenges?

  1. .Appreciating diversity is an important value of our program:
  2. Tell us about experiences with various cultural and diverse groups and describe what you have learned from these experiences.
  3. How have you demonstrated your learning in this area?

Describe  your personal characteristics for building effective relationships that  also attend to inclusion of diversity with individuals and groups.

Career Goals and Leadership:

  1. Your career aspirations relating to the field of professional counseling
  2. One or more significant events for seeking a career in professional counseling

One or more activities demonstrating leadership or commitment to the field of professional counseling


Explanation & Answer:

3 Sentences