PSYCH 354 UW Online vs Offline Dating Pros and Cons Discussion

PSYCH 354 UW Online vs Offline Dating Pros and Cons Discussion




Using the text box below, answer 3 of the following 8 questions. Demonstrate your understanding by backing up your answers with specific examples where appropriate. Each question is worth 5 marks.

1. Compare online dating to conventional offline dating. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

2. Describe the dependence regulation model and the four key phases.

3. Compare and contrast the processes of social support and capitalization and how they are related to relationship quality.

4. Describe how the interactions of unhappy couples (in comparison to happy couples) can be characterized according to Gottman’s structural model of marital interaction.

5. Contrast perceptual and behavioural confirmation, and indicate how each can affect relationship experiences.

6. Explain the terms stress spillover and stress crossover and compare their effects on relationships.

7. Explain three models of couples therapy, and describe the sources of relationship distress according to each perspective.

8. Describe four distinct groups of cohabiting couples. What effect does cohabitation have on marital outcomes?


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