LSC Philosophy Questions
LSC Philosophy Questions
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Wk3 of 8 (Intro to Phil) Name: _____________________ Date:_________ Fall 2023 Dr. John O. Soden Instructions: ● ● ● Please read the questions as they guide your focus for the course readings. Answer in full sentences in your own words, share your notes from reading and from discussion too. Please assume they are handwritten unless directed otherwise in the question. Journal portion must always be completed by hand on paper. Snap a picture and/or scan and insert into the word document. Or you may post the picture/scan as its own document. Checklist ● ● ● ● ● Do the reading in the Reading Calendar/Log and keep track (log due last week) Complete taking notes on the Context Lecture and complete this Study Guide. The Guide should be handwritten. ● Focused on readings from Chapters 6, 7 and 8. Work on Paper #1 it will be due in Week 4. Look the the study guide for Exam #1 (The Exam will be in Week 4) Get to Dr. Soden with any questions, comments or just to kick around some ideas. It’s never a bother Part 1: Please share your notes from the context lecture. Part 2: Chapters 6-8 (all work should be completed in 2 or more good paragraphs) 1. Central to Socrates’ method of teaching is the dialectic (aka Socratic Method). What is it and how does it make people better (at least according to Socrates)? (99). a. Explain the context for The Apology (120-121). b. 2. Plato, his young student, captures the court trial for us. There is a very revealing exchange between Meletus (the prosecutor) and Socrates (defending himself). What do we learn about Meletus’ actual concern for education? (lines 24-25e that is 124-125). We are going to be thinking about two major aspects of Plato’s Metaphysics: His Theory of Forms (155-168) and Allegory of the Cave (169-171). Two pictures for you on the next page. a. Plato gives us a very interesting idea for how to understand reality as the relation between higher and lower forms (162-166). Explain, in your own words, how the realm of Forms is related to the Physical world. . b. Read the primary source entry titled “What Wisdom is” (168-170) Melchert calls it the Analogy of the Sun but it is commonly called the Allegory of the Cave. i. Ponder your own moment of coming out into the light from a realm of shadows in your own intellectual journey. Look at the steps and pain that must happen as one rises out of the cave. Venture an interpretation of each step. Journal: – Set your timer for 10-15 minutes – Collect your notes, Guide and book – Write non-stop in answer to the quote and/or question. – Write by hand Focus: Socrates makes a statement before the final sentences that seems to enrage the jury (the Senators). Please discuss it in context. He says”…it is impossible for me to keep quiet…I say that it is the greatest good for a man to discuss virtue everyday and those other things about which you hear me conversing and testing myself and others, for the unexamined life is not worth living…” (38a p 132). – Wk3 of 8 (Intro to Phil) Name: _____________________ Date:_________ Fall 2023 Dr. John O. Soden 1 1 Source document: and
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