PHIL 1301 LSC Heraclitus vs Sophists on Law Questions

PHIL 1301 LSC Heraclitus vs Sophists on Law Questions




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Exam #1 Preparation Questions Fall 2023 (8 wk course) Phil 1301 Dr. Soden Instructions: ● ● ● ● These are prep-questions for Exam #1 You will be asked to hand write 2 essays for the exam o An essay will have a clear Introduction, Body and Conclusion Whatever two questions you pick from this list you will be prepared for the exam. You will need to prepare notes and quotes for the exam on one index card for each essay (Front and Back) o When you take the official Take-Home exam next week you will attach the cards to the completed exam pages as well. 1. What sort of defense could you mount against the attacks on Common Sense by Parmenides and Zeno? Can it be shown that the world of our sense experience is the real world? You will need to both explain Parmenides’ philosophy and ideas first and then agree/disagree and explain yourself. 2. Discuss one of your favorite Presocratic philosophers from class. Explain who they are and their theory. 3. How did Heraclitus’ understanding of the Law put him in conflict with the Sophists? 4. Please explain the Four Noble Truths, the Eight-fold path and how they are related to the Four Abidings in the Eastern/Indian Philosophical system. Answer with consideration of class discussion, Study Guide and your reading of the text. 5. Please explore the concept of filial piety and how Confucius relates it to human goodness in his overall approach to moral cultivation . 6. Please be ready to explain Anaximander’s 7-step argument for the Boundless. What is the Boundless? Why is the Boundless so important – at least – according to Anaximander. 7. Within the context of the Trial of Socrates in the Apology: What does Socrates mean by the “Unexamined life is not worth living”? Exam #1 (Official Take-Home) Fall 2023 (8 wk course) Phil 1301 Dr. Soden Instructions: ● This is the Official Exam #1 ● Please handwrite 2 essay responses. o An essay will have a clear Introduction, Body and Conclusion. A 5 paragraph essay being the ideal. ● You will pick 2 essays from the list below and write an essay for each. Your essays must be handwritten. ● Please use your index cards you made for the exam. o Upload picture/scans of your index cards along with your essays. ● Make sure to write the question and number at the top of your paper. 1. Within the context of the Trial of Socrates in the Apology: What does Socrates mean by the “Unexamined life is not worth living”? 2. What sort of defense could you mount against the attacks on Common Sense by Parmenides and Zeno? Can it be shown that the world of our sense experience is the real world? You will need to both explain Parmenides’ philosophy and ideas first and then agree/disagree and explain yourself. 3. Please explain the Four Noble Truths, the Eight-fold path and how they are related to the Four Abidings in the Eastern/Indian Philosophical system. Answer with consideration of class discussion, Study Guide and your reading of the text. 4. Discuss one of your favorite Presocratic philosophers from class. Explain who they are and their theory. 5. How did Heraclitus’ understanding of the Law put him in conflict with the Sophists? 6. Please explore the concept of filial piety and how Confucius relates it to human goodness in his overall approach to moral cultivation . 7. Please be ready to explain Anaximander’s 7-step argument for the Boundless. What is the Boundless? Why is the Boundless so important – at least – according to Anaximander.
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