USC Duty & Virtue Philosophical Analysis in Contemporary Society Essay

USC Duty & Virtue Philosophical Analysis in Contemporary Society Essay




Please read the attached article from a 2017 issue of The Atlantic Magazine. Use at least two of the philosophers given to respond to the article. It’s all about contemporary society and how people often do not treat each other “ethically”.

Summary of the two philosophers

Summary of a major issue from The Atlantic article


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Philosopher Test Abstract description Consequentialism/Teleological Ethics Deontology Virtue Theory Christian Existentialism Atheistic Existentialism Mill’s utilitarianism Kantian ethics Aristotle’s moral theory Kierkegaard Sartre/Nietzsche Principle of Utility: measuring “good” that results from an act. Categorical Imperative: is the maxim statement of the action something that should be universal, required of all. The Golden Mean: what Leap of faith, emerging is the virtue that relates from the dark night of to the action, how would the soul a virtuous person behave in this situation. Existence comes before essence, we shape our self through our choices An action is right if it promotes the best consequences. An action is right if it is in accordance with a moral rule or principle – doing one’s duty alone. Being a “good will.” An action is right if it is what a virtuous agent would do in the circumstances. An action is right if it is done through faith. Knowing yourself, what you want,