Create An Opportunity To Demonstrate An Understanding Of Content.

Final Project

The intent of the final project is to create an opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of class content.


You have a family “Quik Stop” (Gas Station/Convenience store) chain that has been left to you in your great uncle’s will. You’ve come to realize, throughfinancial projections, target market studies, and start-up investment analysis, this is not the business of the future. But, it does have real estate, positive cash flow, and can be viewed as the seed of a new enterprise.

What will you propose to do with these businesses to assure that they will still be viable operations 10 to 20 years from now?

How can you reinvent the business based on what you learned in this class?

Your presentation should be in the form of a PowerPoint and include content from each week. Your work needs to demonstrate an understanding of key ideas and concepts while engaging the viewer in a creative and persuasive presentation.

Final Project Detail

You can approach this project in one of two ways:

Take what you have (business and locations) and reinvent the business so it is positioned for the future, or

Work with a clean slate. Assume that the existing business is nothing more than seed capital and the world is a blank slate.

Don’t confuse this project with a business plan. It is a forum to demonstrate class content. I am not interested in financial projections, target market studies, start-up investment analysis, (etc.) since we assume that work has been completed already. What we covered in the course, loosely described, was the following information:

The notion of a flat world or level playing field.

The idea of thinking outside of the box.

The idea of doing business within a global marketplace.

The moral and ethical responsibilities of business.

The social and environmental responsibility.

The use of technology and a continuation of that idea as it applies to the introduction of creativity to launch a new business idea.

The shift in marketing as a result of the above.


Your presentation should be in the form of a power point and include content from each week. I have also had students use Microsoft Sway, which is also fine. Your work needs to demonstrate an understanding of key ideas and concepts while engaging the viewer in a creative and persuasive presentation. You must have utilized a minimum of 5 separate sources, using MLA formatting for your in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. In order to “narrate” each slide, I would recommend the use the comment sections of the slide. If you are unfamiliar with how to cite images I would suggest this resource (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or this one (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. from EasyBib.

Your presentation should also include an introduction and conclusion as well as a final slide that summarizes the ways that you believe that the knowledge you have gained will be helpful in your career. Since many students have asked, I would expect your PowerPoint to be somewhere in the 20-25 slide range.

The Final Project is worth 20% of your final grade. Please review the grading rubric in advance. Here is an example of a previous student’s work. Preview the documentThis student chooses to keep the business as a Quik Stop, something you don’t have to do.

CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of Understanding

25.0 ptsThe presentation does a thorough job of introducing credible evidence through the use of examples, drawing parallels and quotes which demonstrates the student’s depth of understanding of class content

22.0 ptsThe presentation introduces credible evidence through the use of examples, drawing parallels and quotes which demonstrates the student’s depth of understanding of class content

20.0 ptsThere is opportunity to introduce additional evidence through the use of examples, drawing parallels and quotes that would strengthen the argument and better demonstrate the student’s depth of understanding of class content

17.0 ptsThe presentation introduces a minimal amount of credible evidence to demonstrate the student’s understanding of class content.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection to Class Content: Flat World/Globalization; Responsibility of Business; Scarcity of Resources; Use of Technology; Marketing; Leadership Qualities

20.0 ptsDoes an outstanding job of demonstrating a clear connection between the major points from each week and the proposed business model.

18.0 ptsDemonstrated a clear connection between the major points of each week and the proposed business model

16.0 ptsThere is additional opportunity to demonstrate a connection between the major points of each week and the proposed business model.

14.0 ptsThe presentation would have benefited from a stronger connection between the proposed business and the major topics discussed each week.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Argument

15.0 ptsA compelling argument is supported by evidence from at least 5 separate sources.

12.0 ptsThe minimum number of sources was used but the argument could be stronger.

8.0 ptsThe minimum number of sources were not used and as a result, the argument could be stronger.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClear Writing Style

15.0 ptsThere is a strong introductory and concluding paragraph (slides), a well constructed argument and the student is able to articulate their well substantiated personal opinion.

12.0 ptsIntroductory and concluding paragraphs (slides) are evident, the argument is clear and the student is able to articulate their substantiated personal opinion.

10.0 ptsThere is not a strong introductory and/or concluding paragraph, the argument could be better constructed, and the student either does not share their personal opinion or it is not well supported.

8.0 ptsSeveral components of writing are missing: they include a strong opening and concluding paragraph or slide, a well written argument and sharing of a substantiated personal opinion.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

10.0 ptsThe information is very organized and contains the appropriate amount of information, between the actual slides and notes section of the slides, to convey the point being made. The presentation contains enough slides to hit all major points covered in the class. Slides are attractive and easy to read.

8.0 ptsThe information is organized and contains most of the necessary information, between the actual slides and notes section of the slides, to convey the point being made. The presentation contains enough slides to hit all major points covered in the class. Slides are attractive and easy to read.

7.0 ptsThe information is fairly well organized. Slightly more information, between the actual slides and notes section of the slides, would be beneficial to convey the point being made. A few additional slides would help cover all the major points from the class. Slides could be more attractive and/or easier to read.

5.0 ptsThe information could benefit from better organization. More information, between the actual slides and notes section of the slides, would be beneficial to convey the point being made. Additional slides would help cover all the major points from the class.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Usage and Mechanics (GUM)

10.0 ptsNo grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Citations follow the prescribed format.

8.0 ptsAlmost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Citations follow the prescribed format

7.0 ptsA few GUM and citation errors are evident but they do not distract from the intent of the assignment

5.0 ptsSeveral GUM errors and/or no citations

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Length

5.0 ptsPresentation has more than 20 slides

4.0 ptsPresentation has less than 18 slides.

3.0 ptsPresentation has less than 16 content slides.

2.0 ptsPresentation has less than 14 content slides.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0