Compose the first and second drafts of a self-directed, thesis-driven, rhetorically powerful essay. Prepare for Conferences
1. Practice Right Speechi
2. Select a Prompt & Triangulate Elements
3. Sensibly Structureii and expand your essay with Ephemeraiii
4. Compose your Essay in MLA Format with a Strong Thesisv as directed in the prompt. Make careful use of the Rhetorical Situation and Appealsvi and highlight them in your essay. Include an MLA Works Cited Page. Print and annotate this First Draft, then annotate and revise. Print a fresh copy of the Second Draft.
5. Compose by hand a single page process memo, detailing what you’re proud of, confused by, or need help with.
• Write Fearlessly
• Revise Wisely
• Practice Right Speech
• Embrace Negative Capabilityvii: Just Be in the Lake and Live in the Mystery
• Intuition: The Balance of Instinct and Logic
• Think and Write Effectively, Beautifully, and Well
• Master MLA standards
• Improve Note Taking, Rhetorical, and Structural Skills
• Learning to ask and answer your own Questions and to make your own Decisions
• Focus on the Rhetorical Situationviii and Rhetorical Appealsix
• Practice Inductive Inferencex and Deductive Reasoningxi
• Rely on Valid and Reliablexii Data
• Reference to any unrequired text written to display mastery of its ideas.
• Particularly Large or Elaborate Ephemera system (Like the notes)
• Writing in lyric verse.
• Something spectacularly creative, brilliant, and/or brave.
• Going the extra mile in whatever way you can
1. Compus school.
2. Title the Document and Save to a Google Docs folder specific to this class.
3. Click Share in the Top Right Corner
4. Click Get Shareable Link in the Pop-Up
5. Select “can comment”
6. Click Get Shareable Link again. This will automatically copy exactly what you need. COPY NOTHING ELSE
7. In Canvas, Navigate to the Essay 1 Conference Draft Assignment and follow the directions there.
8. In Canvas, Navigate to the Essay 1 Discussion board and follow the directions there.
9. Staple in the following order: Second Draft, Annotated First Draft, Process Memo, Ephemera
10. Turn in during class
Congratulations. If you’ve completed the basic assignment and submitted it properly, you’ve got a B! If you’d like to push for an A, write something that is not only effective, but impressive. This might include particularly thoughtful language to especially powerful ethos, pathos, and logos appeals or anything brilliant, surprising, beautiful, or powerful. See above for extra credit ideas.
• If you’ve missed any of the Big Five Goals, a letter grade will be dropped from the essay.
• For each extra credit element, the essay will earn one higher letter grade
• Essays not turned in by paper and online before the day of your conference or workshop will lose a letter grade per class period.
• Compose a thesis-driven four-page personal narrative that inspires the reader to believe your own created truth.
o No homilies, generalizations, or clichés. Nothing that’s been said before.
o Find a question that this experience helped you answer. Your thesis will be the answer you discovered by experiencing the events of your narrative.
o Use Sources and Readings to clarify the Idea behind the thesis.
o This will primarily be a Narrative1 mixed with elements of the Expositoryxiii mode.
• Create. Use whatever skills you have or hope to have to make something meaningful.
o Poetry, Paintings, Short Stories, Gadgets, whatever.
o Compose a three-page Thesis-driven Artist Statement that questions the connections discovered between the triangulated elements and shows how your artistic process, when paired with writing, help you to formulate a Question.
1 Narrative
o Your thesis will be as close to the answer as you can get. It will also be the focus of your creative piece.
o This will be primarily Descriptivexiv.
• Select a single author whose work you’ve enjoyed.
o Read their other work as well as critical discussion surrounding the Author and Texts
o Analyze all of this data, and, through the lens of your triangulated elements, ask yourself what question or theme or message or whatever lies at the heart of this work and your connection to it.
o Compose a four-page Thesis-driven Comparative Analysisxv. Your thesis will be the answer to your question. This will be primarily Expositoryxvi.
• Compose a rhetorically sound Argument that focuses on real, specific, and workable change.
o Convince the reader to follow your way of thinking or course of action, all while carefully relying on the Rhetorical Situation, the Appeals, Inductive Inference, Deductive Reasoning, and Valid & Reliable Data.
i Right Speech
ii Chronological, Geographic, Systematic, Associative, and/or, my personal favorite: How, What, Why?
iii Physical drawings, photographs, freewriting, lists, quotations, memories, card piles, idea webs, outlines, etc.
iv MLA Format
v Strong Thesis
vi Rhetorical Situation & Appeals
vii Negative Capability
viii Rhetorical Situation
ix Rhetorical Appeals
x Inductive Inference must be Strong and Inductive
xi Deductive Reasoning must be Valid and Sound
xii Validity & Reliability
xiii Expository
xiv Descriptive
xv Comparative Analysis
xvi Expository