Management Discussion

Please write at least 150 words per question (1200 words) and be sure to cite any references used.

1. Explain formal and informal structures and decipher between traditional and non-traditional frameworks. Describe the characteristics that set functional, divisional, and matrix structures apart. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each design?

2. Differentiate between ethics and ethical behavior. Why are ethical practices and corporate social responsibility critical issues for contemporary managers? Provide an example of how stakeholder’s decisions could lead to a company’s image and how customers view that picture, either positively and negatively

3. How do you know what is expected of you at work? Discuss five expectations you feel are important for your position and describe who could be negatively affected should you not meeting those expectations. What are the best ways to communicate your expected performance and what method is used to evaluate your work? What does excellence look like in your current role?

4. Adopting high-performing teams to solve problems where direct supervisors and managers recognize service, and quality outcomes could promote quality initiatives. Using Google Scholar or EBSCO Library find two peer-reviewed articles written in the last three years illustrating researched teams in healthcare, information technology, education, or the general business sector. Read the articles and describe in your own words the setting of the investigation and characteristics that demonstrated the problem under investigation relating to teams. Describe the findings of the research and provide a suggestion for future investigation.

5. What is NAFTA? Under what President was NAFTA formed and why? What countries are linked? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the trade agreement? Define reshoring. Discuss why leaders are deciding to reshore products and what implications could that strategy have on the global economy.

6. Describe someone you have worked with past or present that you consider a change agent and provide examples of what contributed to your view. Have you encountered a situation where a manager was resistant to change? Share your perspective regarding a decision where you or a co-worker presented an idea to a manager that was not implemented. How did the decision make you feel? Looking back, was the decision justified? Why or why not?

7. Leadership does not begin with the skills for moving others to action. Instead, leadership involves embarking on an “inward and outward journey of self-reflection,” which inspires others to action. (Arkoubi, 2013, p. 3). Could a new leader “know” how to influence others if a person cannot manage one’s behavior? What training would you suggest for new leaders?