The understanding of medication errors occurs in Nursing practice and how to prevent it happens in placement

The understanding of medication errors occurs in Nursing practice and how to prevent it happens in placement

Type: Medication Safety report

Length: 1200 words

The report will be submitted via TURNITIN, the percentage of similarity must be under 10%.

Intent: Medication errors can impact patient outcomes, therefore safe and appropriate administration of medicines is an important part of patient safety.

The intent of theassessment is to:

• prepare students for clinical practice by developing their understanding of the types of medication errors and the reasons these occur,

• develop strategies for students’ own clinical practice to prevent medication errors

Task: In preparation for clinical practice, you are required to write a report to demonstrate your understanding of medication errors. Use the three peer reviewed journal articles(1-3) provided, plus one that students find by themselves, to identify three major reasons why medication errors occur. Explain why each of these reasons can lead to medication errors. Support your explanation with evidence from the articles (4 peer reviewed journal articles). Conclude the assignment with how this information will inform your practice on your next clinical placement (when giving medication to patient).


-What are the three major reasons for medication errors?

-Why do these reasons lead to medication errors? Support with evidence/findings from the four articles.

-What are three strategies nurses can use to prevent medication errors? Support with evidence/findings from the four articles.

-How will the above information inform your practice on clinical practice?

The layout of the report is to include:

Length: 1200 words (reference is not included)

FOUR required journal articles are essential references (3 provided, plus 1 peer reviewed journal article of writer’s choice.)

Background information on medication errors and Significance of the problem of medication errors.

Main body : Three major reasons for medication errors (pls using subheadings)
a. Reason 1:

*What is the reason?

*Why does this reason lead to medication errors?

*Support your explanation with evidence from the four articles.

b. Reason 2

c. Reason 3

Three strategies to prevent medication errors on clinical placement (using subheadings)
Strategy 1:

*what’s this strategy?

*How will this help to reduce medication errors?

*What’s the evidence?

Strategy 2:

Strategy 3:

Conclusion: Summerize how will the discussion above inform your practice on your next clinical practice. (when giving medication to patient)
The report must state:

1. Level of explanation and rationale .

Provides three major reasons (pls use subheadings) why medication errors occur and explains why these reasons can lead to medication errors. Refers to research using the three peer reviewed journals recommended and one other chosen article.

(Marking matrix: Clear and precise discussion of three major reasons for medication errors; very effectively supported from the literature l to evaluate why these reasons lead to errors. Clear reasoning is applied to demonstrate a well developed understanding.)

Actions and processes.
Strength of conclusion and use of research findings to support identified strategies to reduce medication errors.

(Marking matrix: Clear conclusions drawn about medication errors and 3 strategies to reduce medication errors articulated effectively and linked to the literature.)

Clarity of written expression and structure.
Writes a succinct accurate report about the findings of medication errors and strategies to prevent these.

(Marking matrix: There is evident planning of structure. Written expression conveys complex ideas well and the flow is logical and convincing. A fluent and elegant approach to literacy is evident, and writing is clear in all aspects for the reader. Referencing accurate and follows Harvard style.)