What has been the impact of language loss on Maori and what programmes have been initiated that contribute to te reo language revitalisation in Aotearoa New Zealand? How do they reflect tino rangatiratanga?
What has been the impact of language loss on Maori and what programmes have been initiated that contribute to te reo language revitalisation in Aotearoa New Zealand? How do they reflect tino rangatiratanga?
Order Description
Assignment: (2500 words)
Topic for the conference paper: What has been the impact of language loss on Maori and what programmes have been initiated that contribute to te reo language revitalisation in Aotearoa New Zealand? How do they reflect tino rangatiratanga?
Writing the topic which can be presented at a Conference or publish in an academic journal. It needs to be link to Maori Development and the Social services. This paper must be of Master level and should be of Publishable standard (error free).
Making guide:
Outline/ Abstract – 200- 400 words (Abstract must summarise the whole paper. There should be 1 or 2 sentence about each section of the paper.)
Definitions and discussion (this the body of the paper)
Analysis of the topic
Link to the Maori development and the Social services. (how does this topic link to Maori development. What is the relevance for social service.)
Conclusion. (conclusion form the research and the explanation, their analysis of the situation)