Appendix C DB Communication Between Provider and Consumer (Essay Sample)
Appendix C DB Communication Between Provider and Consumer
This discussion board follows a multi-step process. The students must collaborate in order to make it work. We all have health information-seeking patterns. Each must do his/her part and do it on time.
1. Wednesday – Students make an initial post on the importance of provider-patient communications. How is this important role of how behavior and communication take place interpreted and perceived? How can we as providers acquire knowledge about our consumers during our interactions with them? Discuss the dynamics of our interpersonal communication behaviors as well as how different cultural groups (ethnic, gender, economic) are affected by different communication (verbal and non-verbal) styles. Do NP’s and MD’s communicate with consumers differently?
Examples include but are not limited to: Communications with patients who are challenged by language barriers, physical barriers, psychiatric conditions, economic differences, power and control issues.
2. Thursday – Sunday: Students review the posts of their classmates, comment on classmates’ posts, and respond to classmates who commented on the student’s initial post. Thus, this phase of the discussion board is a conversation with at least 3 classmates. A conversation is an exchange of substantive information between two or more people that is specific to the content of the exchange. Posting a generic comment, like “I agree.” may be appropriate but it is not sufficient. Students must demonstrate deep thought and synthesis of issues relevant to the topic. The discussion board is time-limited to incentivize collaboration and assure that foundational material is mastered before introducing new
Grading Rubric – Communication Between Provider and Consumer Discussion Board Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Emerging (1) Content of Initial Post
10 points (40/100)
Fully responds to all questions in DB prompt and answers each completely
Answers all questions without fully developing answers for each
Answers some of the questions and/or does not fully develop answers
Off topic or not responsive to DB prompt
Comments on Others’ Posts
8 points (32/100)
Provides relevant, timely and helpful feedback to at least 3 classmates for a minimum of 5 total responses
Provides feedback to 2 or more classmates that is less relevant, timely, and/or helpful. A minimum of 4 substantive responses
Provides feedback to one classmate that is less relevant, timely, and/or helpful. Only 2 to 3 substantive responses
Provides irrelevant feedback or comments on fewer than 2 classmates’ work.
Only 1 substantive response
Timeliness of Posts
3 points (12/100)
Initial post and responses completed on time
Late on initial post or responses
Late on initial post AND responses
Significantly late on initial post and/or responses
4 points (16/100)
Correct English; perfect APA format
Minimal grammatical, typographical or APA errors.
Multiple grammatical, typographical or APA errors.
Major grammatical, typographical or APA errors.