Explored three topics arising from the encounter of modern science and Judaism.

In three classes we have explored three topics arising from the encounter of modern science and Judaism. We looked at the relationship between Tora and relativistic physics, we discussed Einstein’s notion of God as an expression of dialectical thinking, and we reflected upon the nature of miracles. Overall, we have come to realize how complex the relationship between modern science and Judaism is. Be brief and to the point.

You have between 900-1200 words. Do not cite any material outside of those assigned. Use your own words only. Make a single argument. You do not have enough words to do more. Structure your essay well. State the conclusion that you think should be drawn right at the beginning and let it function as a thread in your essay.
Do not jump back and forth in your reasoning. Have your train of thought in outline ready BEFORE you begin to write your essay. Example I: In light of our exploration of three topics arising from the encounter between modern science and Judaism, I have come to the conclusion that Judaism has nothing to provide to a better understanding of the world. Judaism rests on a notion of a supernatural God, and as Einstein has realized such a notion is not reconcilable with basic assumptions that make modern science possible… Furthermore, Schroeder’s attempt at reconciling Tora and relativistic physics miserably fails. And, Menachem Fisch’s discussion of the debate between the house of Hillel and the House of Shammai show the Talmud’s lack of interest in definite truth, which contradicts the philosophy on which modern science rests.