Family Case Study Based On A Movie
Case Study Requirements/Case Study Requirements.docx
The movie is “As Good As it gets” This family case study is community health class based on a movie called “As Good As it Gets” the focus is not on the main character it is about the family issue carol and her son. Purpose: To provide the student with an opportunity to 1) assess the health status and functioning of a family and 2) formulate a family nursing diagnosis and develop interventions based on the need/problem of the family. Remember this study case is not about the move it is about the family. Don’t worry about the main character I the move, it should be about family health and effect on the family. Like I said in the order, This paper is not about the main character of the move
Mr. Udall. we will talk about Mr. Udall only on Ecomap explanation his relationship and support he have to Carol family.
From that movie we take about only about Carol and her family about her child chronic illness and the effect of that on the family. Please see the attachment
The Ecomap Will Be Used For This Family And There Other Paper Is Example
I also attached the sample paper about other movie family paper so you can use the same format.
1. Introduction
A brief discussion about the paper and what output is expected from it.
2. Family presentation
Carol, her son and her mom only
3. Family assessment
Including the strength and weakness of the family structure
4. Ecomap
I attached Ecomap for this family and their relationship and here is the only place we take about Mr. Udall. his her to wards this family.
5. Family Theoretical Framework
You can use family systems Theory OR The chronic illness framework Theory.
7. Priority need/ problem
Briefly discuss the family problem, I think it should be Financial
8. Family nursing diagnosis
Caregiver role strain related to spencer sever asthma and a weak immune system evidenced by emergency visit five six times a month and carol unable to keep her job at restaurant.
9. Desired outcome
The desired outcomes for the case study
10. Nursing intervention
Nursing interventions that will be suitable in this case study.
Case Study Requirements/Ecomap For This Paper.pdf
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