small buisness plan Small Business Financial Plan Project Due (Week 8)

small buisness plan
Small Business Financial Plan Project Due (Week 8)
For the purposes of this curriculum, we will concentrate on the financial and funding request portions of the plan for your small business. Your financial plan shall
tie well to the company that you introduced in Week 3’s Executive Summary.
Although each plan will be unique, depending on business sector, location, stage of development, and so forth, all plans should include the following:
1) Introduction
2) discussion of whether cash or accrual basis accounting will be used
3) discussion of the type of accounting and finance software will be used
4) discussion of all sources, purposes and amounts of funds to be raised
5) Balance sheet (Existing Business: historic and one-year pro forma projections / Start-Up: one-year pro forma projection) – acceptable in Excel document as well
6) Income statement (Existing Business: historic and one-year pro forma projections / Start-Up: one-year pro forma projection) – acceptable in Excel document as well
7) 12-month Pro-forma Cash Flow Projection (including accounts of cash receipt and cash expenditures) – acceptable in Excel document as well
When preparing income, balance sheet, and cash flow projection, provide descriptive assumptions for each account relevant to your business
8) Ratio analysis (present your calculation and analysis for one of each financial ratio of profitability, liquidity, leverage and efficiency – a total of 4 financial
9) Executive Summary (submit your Executive Summary already prepared in Week 3 as well). When you attach your Executive Summary in your submission (preferably as a
separate Word document), you will immediately earn the credit assigned to 9).
10) Conclusion
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your responses for all task items in a Word document only. Refer to the syllabus writing requirement and
Content/Syllabus/Course Resources/Writing Resources for more information about referencing and formatting.
Submit a minimum of 6-page paper (including Excel document and reference information) in length.
Rubric for Final Project: Small Business Financial Plan
Assigned Points
Points Earned
Introduction and Conclusion
Brief discussion of accounting system
Brief discussion of accounting software
Brief discussion of sources, purpose and amounts of funds to be raised
Balance Sheet (historical year and 1-year pro forma projection)
Income statement (historical year and 1-year pro forma projection)
Cash flow projection (12-month monthly projection)
Ratio analysis (2.5 points/each ratio x 4)
Executive Summary (from Week 3)
Spelling, grammar, APA, structure and overall presentation
Total Points
Due Date
May 6, 2018 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: Final Project Rubric
10 points/each x 10 = 100 10 points
Introduction & Conclusion
Brief discussion of accounting system
Brief discussion of accounting software
Brief discussion of sources, purpose and amounts of funds to be raised
Balance Sheet (historical year and 1-year pro forma projection)
Income statement (historical year and 1-year pro forma projection)
Cash flow projection (12-month of monthly projection)
Ratio analysis (a total of 4 ratios)
Updated Executive Summary (from Week 3)
Spelling, grammar, APA, structure and overall presentation
Overall Score
Total Score 100 0 or more
Submit Files
Tutorial – 12-Month Cash Flow Projection
Hi Class,
For the avoidance of misunderstanding, the 12-month Cash Flow Projection required in the final project is not an official Statement of Cash Flow.
The final assignment does not require students to prepare an official Statement of Cash Flow for your business because it involves more advanced knowledge of
Accounting that separates cash flow activities into Operating, Financing and Investing activities.
The goal of the final project is for our student to prepare a 12-month (month by month) cash flow projection that take into account of Cash Receipt (Cash Inflow) of
your sales minus itemized Cash Disbursement (Cash Outflow) of expenses, interest, taxes or amortizations. Cash Surplus represents Positive Net Cash Flow whereas Cash
Deficit represents Negative Net Cash Flow for each accounting period once you subtract total cash disbursements by total cash receipt.
Here is a youtube video How to Prepare Cash Flow Projection? showing you how to prepare 12-month cash flow project for the final assignment.
Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions.
Tutorial – Cash vs. Accrual Accounting Systems
Hi Class,
Here are few videos from Khan Academy about Accounting and financial statements with a focus on explaining the major difference of cash vs. accrual accounting systems.
These videos give straightforward presentation and hope you find them helpful.
Calendar Year vs. Fiscal Year
Contains unread posts
Irene Lien posted May 1, 2018 11:58 AM
Hi Class,
Just to quick refresh your memory about this topic..
As a small business owner, you shall also properly define your Accounting Period.
Calendar Year, refers to a period from 1/1 to 12/31, is an intuitive method many small businesses adopt. There are many businesses and large corporations using Fiscal
Year i.e. a period covering 12 consecutive months.
Click Calendar or Fiscal? Which Tax Year is Right for your Small Business? to examine the best tax year for your small business.
For the final project, feel free to adopt Calendar or Fiscal year for your company and reflect your choice in your Pro-Forma financial statements and 12-month cash
flow projection.