Thesis and Research Questions Worksheet


ABC/123 Version X


Thesis and Research Questions Worksheet

ENG/200 Version 1


University of Phoenix Material

Thesis and Research Questions Worksheet
Provide responses to the following questions using the topic you selected in Week 2. Your responses to this worksheet will help you in Week 4 when you craft your Persuasive Essay.

1. What is your selected topic?

2. The thesis statement will provide direction to your essay. Write your thesis statement for your selected topic.

Thesis statement:

3. Research questions help you to guide your research in finding materials appropriate for your essay. Technically, these questions should be answered by your thesis statement. Keep in mind that research questions are sometimes edited or rewritten as you research.

Provide three research questions that will direct your research for this essay:




4. In 75-100 words, explain your next steps in preparing to write your persuasive essay.

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