Application of theory to a mental health issue

Choose a symptom ( family
violence) in which you are interested and discuss it from one of the following theoretical perspectives.
Object Relations theory – an integration of at least two theorists; not Bowlby or
Mahler: (e.g. Bion, Klein, Rank, Sandler, Guntrip, Greenberg and Mitchell,
Stolorow [intersubjectivity]).
Mentalization theory (Fonagy)

Contemporary Cognitive Behavioral theory (includes neurobiology)
Trauma theories (integration of psychological and biological theory, includes dissociation)
Social Learning theory (at a more advanced level than 1st year)
Theories you may not use are the following: Ecological, Systems, Erikson, Freud, and any others
emphasized in HBSE 1st year. It is strongly suggested that you run the theory by the instructor to
make sure it meets the requirements of the assignment.
We are going for depth rather than breadth in this section. Please note the theoretical section is
worth 55% of the final assignment grade.

A section on neurobiology is required.
Diversity: Diversity issues must also be included. You don’t have to cover them all, but you need to
demonstrate an awareness of how these factors (class, gender, culture, race, sexual orientation)
may impact upon your subject (e.g. women who have been incested and the relationship to
borderline personality disorder development).
A small treatment section (2-3 pages) is also required. Be sure the treatment flows from your
theoretical perspective.


Please read carefully
You may not use the same topic for this paper that you use for your Practice paper. In the past, students

who have done so overlap too much and end up essentially plagiarizing themselves (i.e. using the same
paper for two courses which is against university policy).
An “A” paper demonstrates an integration of assigned readings, class lectures, and your own research.
Internet resources should be limited to 3 sites and the websites clearly identifying the subject. Please be
sure these are reputable sites (e.g. Cochrane or Campbell Collaborations, Medscape) and preferably
peer reviewed. While Wikipedia may be a starting point for some research, the information it contains
should be verified through other sources. Please demonstrate original thinking wherever possible. You
may use a case or small vignettes to illustrate the concepts but please remember this is not a practice
paper so a vignette should be no more than one page.
Papers will be graded not only on content but on writing style as well. In other words, papers should be
well-written, well-organized, and concepts clearly articulated.

12-15 pages; double spaced
Use normal fonts (nothing smaller than the type on this sheet, please!) and normal margins. APA
style is required (which includes headings).
At least 12 references are required with 8 coming from the syllabus. Class lectures and Power
Points may not count among them

Below are 8 references from course that are required***
Brisch, K. H. (2011). Treating attachment disorders: From theory to therapy (2nd ed., pp. 7-82). New York, NY: Guilford Press
Siever, L. J. (2008) Neurobiology of aggression and violence. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 165(1), 429-442.
Flanagan, L. M. (2011). Object relations theory. In J. Berzoff, L.M. Flanagan, & P. Hertz (Eds.), Inside out and outside in. (3rd ed., pp. 118-157). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (Review from 503)

Levendosky, A.A., Lannert, B. & Yalch, M. (2012). The effects of intimate partner violence on women and child survivors: An attachment perspective. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 40(3), 397-433
Gerdes, K., & Segal, E. (2011). Importance of empathy for social work practice: Integrating new
science. Social Work, 56(2), 141-148.
Siever, L. J. (2008) Neurobiology of aggression and violence. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 165(1), 429-442.
St. Clair. (2004). Margaret Mahler: The psychological birth of the individual. Object relations and self psychology: An introduction (4th ed., pp. 87-107). Ontario, Canada: Thomson: Brooks/Cole
St. Clair, M. (2004). Stephen A. Mitchell: The integrated relational model. Object relations and self psychology: An introduction (4th ed., pp. 169-190). Ontario, Canada: Thomson: Brooks/Cole.