Australian Social psychology – Describe and explain the role of empathy and the group-based emotion of collective guilt in the prediction of negative attitudes towards Indigenous Australians.

Australian Social psychology – Describe and explain the role of empathy and the group-based emotion of collective guilt in the prediction of negative attitudes towards Indigenous Australians.
Order Description
Essay should include with references to the relevant psychological literature on this topic:-
1. descriptions (including definitions) of empathy, collective guilt, and negative attitudes towards indigenous Australians, along with the role of empathy and collective guilt in the prediction of negative attitudes towards Indigenous Australians; and
2. A description of the relevant social psychological theories of inter group behaviour which offer explanations for the role of empathy and collective guilt in the prediction of negative attitudes. Relevant theories include social identity theory, self-categorisation theory, inter group emotions theory, and social dominance theory. It is acceptable in your answer to focus on only one or two of these theories.
References should include some of the below however others are also acceptable, any number of Internet sources are ok, ideally from google scholar.
Allpress, J., Barlow, F. K., Brown, R., & Louis, W. (2010). Atoning for Colonial Injustices: Group-Based Shame and Guilt Motivate Support for Reparation. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 4(1), 75 – 88.
Caouette, J (2010). The role of collective guilt in the righting of Injustices perpetrated by powerful groups: Unravelling intrapsychic processes of collective guilt through indirect measures. Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montréal Canada.
Doosje, B., Branscombe, N.R., Spears, R., Manstead, A. S. R. (2006). Antecedents and Consequences of Group-Based Guilt: The Effects of Ingroup Identification. Group processes & intergroup relations, 9(3), 325 -338.
Doosje, B., Branscombe, N.R. Spears, R. & Manstead, A. S. R. (1998). Guilty by association: When one’s group has a negative history. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75(4), 872-886.
Halloran, M. J. (2007), Indigenous reconciliation in Australia: do values, identity and collective guilt matter?. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 17, 1–18. doi: 10.1002/casp.876
McGarty, C., Pedersen, A., Leach, C. W., Mansell, T., Waller, J., & and Bliuc, A. (2005). Group-based guilt as a predictor of commitment to apology. British Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 659–680.
Pedersen, A. , Clarke, S. , Dudgeon, P. and Griffiths, B. (2005) Attitudes toward Indigenous Australians and asylum seekers: The role of false beliefs and other social-psychological variables. Australian Psychologist, 40 (3), 170-178.
Pedersen, A., Beven, J., Walker, I., & Griffiths, B. (2004). Attitudes toward Indigenous-Australians: The role of empathy and guilt. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 14, 233-249. doi: 10.1002/casp.771
Sanson, A., Augoustinos, M., Gridley, H., Kyrios, M., Reser, R., Turner, C. (1997). Racism and Prejudice: Psychological perspectives, Australian Psychological Society APS, retrieved from:
Zebel, S., Doosje, B. and Spears, B. (2009). How Perspective-Taking Helps and Hinders Group-Based Guilt as a Function of Group Identification. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 12(61), 61-78.doi: 10.1177/1368430208098777.