Factors Affecting Performance
You are the Head Coach of Netball and the Senior 1
team recently won the IGSSA competition. In 10 weeks the team will
be going to Hawaii to compete in a four day international competition. There are 10 teams entered in the competition with 3
matches scheduled each day for the first three days before a ‘final series’ on Day 4.
Prior to starting the season you did some testing with the team members to assist in planning your training goals. After
winning the IGSSA competition you tested them again. The average aerobic physiological measurements are:
Physiological Data Pre-Season score Post Season score
Resting Heart Rate 72 beats/min 60 beat/min
Stroke Volume (during exercise) 112 ml/beat 156 ml/beat
Cardiac Output (during exercise) 23 litres/min 32 litres/min
Oxygen Uptake 48 mL/kg/min 60 mL/kg/min
Lung Capacity 5,500 mL 5,600 mL
Haemoglobin Levels 15g/100 mL 18g/100 mL
Your players are aware that several of the teams they competed against during the IGSSA competition are competing in
Hawaii. As you beat them convincingly many of the students in your team are becoming over confident and losing motivation
to train.
As it is now 10 weeks from the competition you are re-evaluating your teams training and dietary plans in the lead up to and
during competition.
Design a 6 station resistance training circuit to develop muscular endurance in these athletes. (6 marks)
Design a nutrition plan for the netball team, addressing carbohydrate loading, pre-event, during event and post
event meals. (6 marks – 400 words)
Discuss the benefits of mental rehearsal for the players in the Netball team. Identify how the coach could
introduce mental rehearsal into the team’s training sessions. (5 marks – 300 words)
Explain and outline the features of the predominant energy system that needs to be develop in these athletes.
Justify why this is the predominant energy system used by these athletes. (6 marks – 400 words)
Justify the use of the following aerobic training methods – continuous and interval training in the development of a
Netball player’s aerobic capacity. (8 marks – 500 words)
Describe the inverted U hypothesis and highlight the relationship between arousal and performance of the
Netball team in the Grand Final of the event. (4 marks – 250 words)
Describe how the principle of progressive overload can lead to physiological adaptations in a netball player.
(5 marks – 300 words)
Weighting: 20%
Date notification given to students: 2
Due date: 16
June 2016
Outcomes to be assessed:
June 2016
H7 explains the relationship between physiology and movement potential
H8 explains how a variety of training approaches and other interventions enhance performance and safety in physical
H11 designs psychological strategies and nutritional plans in response to individual performance needs
H16 devises methods of gathering, interpreting and communicating information about health and physical activity
amination/Task Criteria:
Your task will be marked on your ability to:
Clearly explain the relationships between factors affecting performance
Apply the skills of critical thinking and analysis
Respond in a clear and logical way
Support your responses with clear and relevant examples
rking Criteria:
Design a 6 station resistance training circuit to develop muscular endurance in these athletes. (6 marks)
Criteria Mark
6 exercises outlined that develop muscular endurance.
Exercises relate specifically to the sport of netball.
Number of repetitions and weight used accurately reflect the development of muscular
4 – 5 exercises outlined that develop muscular endurance.
Exercises on most occasions relate specifically to the sport of netball.
Number of repetitions and weight used accurately reflect the development of muscular
1 – 3 exercises outlined that develop muscular endurance. 1 – 2
5 – 6
3 – 4
Design a nutrition plan for the Netball team, addressing carbohydrate loading, pre-event,
during event and post
event meals.
Criteria Mark
Describes the nutritional considerations and the process of carbohydrate loading for the netball
Supports response with a variety of accurate and relevant examples of food appropriate for the
netball team.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Outlines the nutritional considerations and the process of carbohydrate loading for the netball
Supports response with a number of accurate and relevant examples of food appropriate for
the netball team.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Sketches in general terms the nutritional considerations and the process of carbohydrate
loading for the netball team.
Limited supporting examples of appropriate foods.
Discuss the benefits of mental rehearsal for the players in the Netball team. Identify how the coach could introduce
mental rehearsal into the team’s training sessions.
Criteria Mark
Discusses the benefits of mental rehearsal for the players in the Netball team.
Accurately identifies a variety of ways in which the coach could introduce mental rehearsal into
the team’s training session.
Supports response with accurate and relevant examples.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Describes the benefits of mental rehearsal for the players in the Netball team. Identifies
some ways in which the coach could introduce mental rehearsal into the team’s training
Supports response with some relevant examples.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Sketches in general terms some possible benefits of mental rehearsal for the players in the
Netball team.
Identifies some ways in which the coach could introduce mental rehearsal into the team’s
training session.
5 – 6
3 – 4
1 – 2
3 – 4
Explain and outline the features of the predominant energy system that needs to be developed in these athletes. Justify why
this is the predominant energy system used by these athletes.
Criteria Mark
Explains the 6 features of the predominant energy system needed by a netball player.
Provides a range of reasons as to why this is the predominant energy system used by these
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Explains the 4 – 5 features of the predominant energy system needed by a netball player.
Provides 2 – 3 reasons as to why this is the predominant energy system used by these athletes.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Sketches in general terms 1 – 3 features of the predominant energy system needed by a netball
Provides limited reasons as to why this is the predominant energy system used by these athletes.
Justify the use of the following aerobic training methods – continuous and interval training in the development of a Netball
player’s aerobic capacity.
Criteria Mark
Provides a range of arguments that supports the use of continuous and interval training in the
development of the athletes aerobic capacity.
Makes evident the relationship between the training methods and the development of aerobic
Communicates ideas and information using relevant examples that develop aerobic capacity
the athlete.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Provides reasons why the use of continuous and interval training assists in the development of
the athletes aerobic capacity.
Provides some evidence of the relationship between the training methods and the development
of aerobic capacity.
Uses relevant examples that develop aerobic capacity in the athlete.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Provides characteristics and features of continuous and interval training.
Provides basic examples to support the development of aerobic capacity.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Sketches in general terms continuous and interval training.
Little reference to the development of aerobic capacity.
5 – 6
3 – 4
1 – 2
7 – 8
5 – 6
3 – 4
1 – 2
Describe the inverted U hypothesis and highlight the relationship between arousal and performance of the Netball
team in the Grand Final of the event.
Criteria Mark
Describes the inverted U hypothesis and highlights the relationship between arousal and
performance in the Grand Final.
Supports response with accurate and relevant examples.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Describes the inverted U hypothesis and identifies the features of the relationship between
arousal and performance in the Grand Final.
Supports response with some relevant examples.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Sketches in general terms the inverted U hypothesis.
Sketches in general terms the relationship between arousal and performance.
Describe how the principle of progressive overload can lead to physiological adaptations in a netball player.
Criteria Mark
Describes the relationship between the principle of progressive overload and all physiological
Supports response with accurate and relevant examples.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Describes the relationship between the principle of progressive overload and most physiological
Supports response with some relevant examples.
Responds in a clear and logical way.
Sketches in general terms the relationship between the principle of progressive overload and some
physiological adaptations.
Identifies some physiological adaptations that occurred in the Netball player.
2 – 3
3 – 4
1 – 2