Personal Nursing Philosophy



Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing is a vital part of the healthcare system that entails promotion of people’s health, prevention of diseases and taking care of those who are sick. The nurses have to take care of the physically ill, those with mental problems disabled people who are of all ages within the healthcare facility and other community settings. Within the large category of the healthcare industry nurses are concerned about the individuals, the family and have to provide a solution to potential health problems that face the community. The handling of various health challenges is part of responses that the nurses have to provide and vary from health restoration that is done to people’s episodes of illness. The nurses are tasked with the broader role of developing appropriate policies that are utilized in handling health problems that face the community (Smith, & Parker,2015). The policies are made with the sole aim of promoting the long-term health condition of the whole population.

From the definition, it’s evident that the nurses have a unique role in caring the sick people. They have to assess the patient’s responses to their health conditions as well as assist them in performing some of the activities that are geared towards ensuring that they recover well and they have to show their life functions in an unaided manner. The nurses play a critical role in ensuring that the sick has the required strength, knowledge, and will. To contribute towards that, the nurses focus on helping the sick to have full or partial independence the soonest possible once they are placed under their care. Nurses have to share with other health professional and people in other sectors such as the public services for planning, implementation as well evaluation with a purpose of ensuring the adequacy of the health care system when it comes to the prevention of illness and caring of the sick.

As a professional nurse one has to take into account the four aspects that form part of his or her vision that is human being, health, environments, and nursing which are part of the meta-paradigm concepts of nursing. The human beings are open energy fields that have got unique life experiences. When taken as energy fields they are greater than as well as different from what makes their parts at the same time cannot be predicted based on the knowledge of their parts. The human being is considered a holistic thing that is unique, dynamic and multidimensional. People are capable of having abstract reasoning. Have high creativity, they accept aesthetics and can take responsibilities. The language, empathy and other patterns of people’s communication from one’s high level of complexity as well diversity that enables them to increase their knowledge about self and the environment (Smith, & Parker, 2015). From the nursing profession point of view, I get that people ought to be viewed as valued beings hence should be respected nurtured as well as understood and have a right of making informed choices.

Various stages of human development are delineated since they affect their behavior at same time health. The dimensions one will operate in and upon the people in an open way that is interrelated, interdependent at times in an interactive way. From that perspective, the nursing process changes continually through a mutual process as the environment changes to offer the care required to the human beings. The human beings who receive the services can be well or at times ill, and they are inclusive of the families, communities, and individuals.

In the nursing profession, I view the environment as the landscape and the geography where the human social experiences and his context of the experience associated with everyday life and that include the changes in space, quality and time. The topography is inclusive of social, personal, global as well some aspects that are beyond one’s environment that represent the societal beliefs that shape our everyday life experiences. The environment can be conceptualized as an energy field that is in mutual process with human’s energy fields. It’s the arena where the nursing profession and the client are going to meet (Smith, & Parker, 2015). The environmental dimensions that affect the people’s health include psychosocial, historical factors, developmental process, and one’s economic status among others.

Within the nursing, profession health is viewed as a dynamic process which is the synthesis of one’s wellness and illness. Its defined from the perception of the client based on his/her lifespan. The view focuses typically on the whole nature of the nursing client physical, his social, moral realms and the aesthetic. One’s health is contextual as well as relational. Apparently, wellness is just a view which represents the life experiences that are about congruence of an individual possibility at the same time his/her realities that are based on caring and one should feel cared for. Wellness can be defined as those lived experiences associated with the loss which can be mediated through the nursing caring relationships (Smith, & Parker, 2015). The degree of one’s level of health comes out as an expression of the mutual interactive processes between the human beings and their immediate environment.

On the part of the nursing practices, it falls under an academic discipline and a profession. Nursing is an art and science that is associated with holistic health care which is guided by the values of people freedoms, choice, and the responsibilities. It’s a body of knowledge that is achieved by theory developments, analysis, and research. The nursing together with other supporting theories are valuable in the advancement of the nursing practice. The nursing practice is actualized by therapeutic nursing interventions which are the creative use of that knowledge when it comes to the process of human care combined with communities with the aim of achieving optimal wellness within different settings and contexts. Caring for people is the ideal moral nursing and is at the center of focus for the professional nursing practices


Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis.