Theories, Research Findings, Concepts, or other Knowledge in Nursing

Theories, Research Findings, Concepts, or other Knowledge in Nursing

By this time, you have been to your site (HOMELESSNESS, SHELTER FACILITY) at least once, maybe several times. From what you have seen so far,

What Theories, Research Findings, Concepts, or other Knowledge in your Field(NURSING) do you think will be most applicable to you as a volunteer?

Explain your Reasons. As you look at the responses of other volunteers, especially those in the same major as you,

What are your thoughts about what they wrote? That is, Can you understand Why they wrote what they did?

Can you suggest other Theories, Concepts, Research Findings, etc., that they didn’t think of?

If so, Explain to them why you think these other ideas might help their volunteer experience.

Theories, Research Findings, Concepts, or other Knowledge in Nursing Paper

This paper exhibits a case for the careful thought of theory in wanting to actualize evidence-based practices into clinical care a volunteer. As depicted, theory should be firmly connected to strategic planning through watchful decision or production of a usage structure. Systems should be connected to particular interventions as well as intervention parts to be executed, and the selection of instruments should coordinate the interventions and general methodology, connecting back to the first theory and structure (Conti-O’Hare, 2012).

Most attempts to implement evidence-based practices in clinical settings are either just somewhat effective, or unsuccessful, in the attempt. Our goal in this paper is to depict approaches to use theory to give an establishment to outlining and planning procedures for intervention and choosing tools with a superior to arbitrary likelihood of accomplishment in implementing evidence-based practices into training. We center on speculations proper to change forms in clinical settings, ordinarily complex organizations with various working parts.

We trust that clearly illustrating and seeing some type of theory that clarifies the explanation behind why an intervention may work to incite agreed change is a basic advance in planning intercessions to change supplier or patient conduct, especially keeping in mind the end goal to advance evidence-based care (Thomas, & Woods, 2013). We likewise trust that the data exhibited in this paper is pertinent and critical both for specialists and for individuals engaged with quality change exercises in healthcare organizations.

All in all, therefore the paper has described the troubles in applying evidence from an efficient survey of review and criticism interventions to basic leadership about how best to use review and input in future intervention efforts. It depicts that the failure to collect data on key parts of directing review and input from the distributed writing. Accordingly, little can be gained from earlier efforts other than progress or disappointment in particular attempt.


Conti-O’Hare, M. (2012). The nurse as wounded healer: From trauma to transcendence. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett.

Thomas, D., & Woods, H. (2013). Working with people with learning disabilities: Theory and practice. Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Theories, Research Findings, Concepts, or other Knowledge in Nursing