Your approach to addressing the issue, based on your personal philosophy of management practice as developed through this course, and supported by the ANA scope and standards for nursing administration and the professional nursing/health care literature.

You will be expected to complete a scholarly paper on a topic relevant to this course, i.e. a topic related to middle management roles and operations. The body of the paper (the pages of the paper excluding title page, ABSTRACT, and references) is not to exceed 6 pages. This paper represents the culmination of your efforts and should reflect discussion of a significant issue and your innovative approach or thoughts related to the topic. Students should note that GRADUATE level scholarly work includes an in-depth exploration of the relevant professional literature.

References for this paper should go beyond standard textbooks and include peer reviewed, research or evidence based, and relevant editorial/opinion pieces published in the professional nursing and related journals. Students are expected to synthesize their readings and relay that synthesis in their own words, providing proper citations. The use of quotations in the scholarly paper should be minimized and only provided to underscore a particularly strong thought or statement.

1. 50 points)

2. The description of the issue. (50 points)

3. The discussion of the current literature relevant to the issue. (50 points)

4. Your approach to addressing the issue, based on your personal philosophy of management practice as developed through this course, and supported by the ANA scope and standards for nursing administration and the professional nursing/health care literature. (50 points)

5. The conclusion/summary (30 points)

6. APA(6th edition) format

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