Economic Dimension of Globalization in East Asia (Essay Sample)

In your final research paper, you must discuss at least two dimensions of globalization–history, the economy, politics, culture, ecology, ideology–and their impact on East Asia. Be sure to describe both positive and negative aspects, and explain what you imagine the future of the region will be as a result.
You also need to conduct outside research using at least one outside source and list the outside source on a bibliography/works cited page.
The final research paper is a formal paper. You should state a thesis at the outset, support your thesis in the body of the paper, and write a convincing conclusion.
WORD LIMIT: 1200-1350 words, not including the bibliography/works cited page.
*The final research paper is worth 20 pts. and will be graded based on the following rubric:
Thesis is stated clearly at the outset in relation to globalization in East Asia (4 pts.)
Discussion is well organized, supports your thesis, and shows accurate grasp of concepts and facts (4 pts.)
Discussion addresses both positive and negative aspects and explains your vision of the region’s future (4 pts.)
Discussion makes good use of at least one outside source and reflects multidisciplinary perspectives (4 pts.)
Conclusion is convincing, fits your thesis, and derives logically from your discussion (4 pts.)
