Nursing Quality Expert

The following is the purposes of this assignment:

Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Nursing Quality Expert in a selected healthcare organization.
Review the organization’s mission, vision,values, andbeliefs.
Discuss the Nursing Quality Expert’s strategic plan as it relates to The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Quality initiatives and ONE of the following core competencies.
1) Employ evidence-based practice

2)Apply quality improvement

3) Utilize informatics

Conduct a core competency-focused interview with a Nursing Quality Expert.
Articulate the role of the BSN-prepared nurse to support the strategic plan related to selected IOM core competency.(THE CORE COMPETENCY I AM SELECTING FOR YOU THE WRITER TO WRITE ON IS FROM; NURSE OF THE FUTURE: NURSING CORE COMPETENICES. “QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ON PAGE # 36)
Articulate what was learned from time spent with interviewee and how own nursing practice will change as a result of the encounter and completion of this assignment.

This assignment is worth a total of 200 points.


Download the NR447Interview Form from Doc Sharing. Indicate your answers to the questions directly on the NR447 Interview Form.
Select your interviewee, schedule and conduct an interview. This individual must be a Registered Nurse employed in a leadership role as a Nursing Quality Expert.(QUALITY IMPROVEMENT COORDINATOR REGISTERED NURSE IS THE CHOSEN NURSING QUALITY EXPERT THAT I HAVE CHOSEN FOR YOU TO WRITE ABOUT AS MY INTERVIEWEE)
Review all areas of inquiry on theNR447 Interview Formlocated in Doc Sharing PRIOR to conducting the interview.You may print the form and take it with you to the interview.However, you may not give it to the individual and ask him or her to complete it and return it to you.
Note there are three areas of inquiry to discuss with the RN/Nursing Quality Expert.
Prior to conducting interview, review two scholarly resources related to the ONE aforementioned core competencies upon which you plan to focus.These resources should guide your interview process and understanding of the Nursing Quality Expert’s role and responsibilities as it relates to the selected core competency. If you have questions about what constitutes a scholarly resource, please ask your instructor.
Prior to interview, review the organization’s mission, vision, values and beliefs.
Note that practice impact must be addressed by YOU and is a very important criterion of the NR447 Interview Form to answer.
Conduct the interview.The length of your interview will vary but should not exceed one hour.
Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said. Bulleted items may be used.
Grading Criteria