Anatomy and physiology of the hip joint
Continuing care of Molly from Assessment one, she has now deteriorated. Molly has had a fall at home. She has been admitted to hospital following confirmation by X-ray of a fractured neck of femur. On admission to the Emergency department, Molly requests pain relief. She has been scheduled for a Right Total Hip replacement tomorrow. You may wish to refer to the video related to Assessment one regarding Molly’s health status.
Paper should include:
A description of the anatomy and physiology of the hip joint.
Briefly discuss the physical assessments that should be performed on arrival to the ward post-operatively. Using critical thinking, state why you have included these assessments.
Discuss your post-operative plan of care when prioritising nursing management of Molly on her return to the ward. Discuss rationales for each nursing intervention based upon evidence based practice.
Outline strategies for ongoing care and discharge planning for Molly upon leaving hospital.
You will need:
Title page-student name, student number, course code, term/year, name of course coordinator, name of assignment and due date for submission
Include header with student name and number and a footer or page numbers
Essay format includes an INTRODUCTION, BODY paragraphs and CONCLUSION. Use double line spacing, single page and Times New Roman12 font.
A Reference list that adheres to APA presentation guidelines and indicates that you have read widely and on a separate page. The inclusion of evidence based clinical guidelines accessed from websites is acceptable. It is preferred you use academic peer reviewed articles/ journals. NB: Journal articles used must be less than 5 years old and textbooks less than 10 years old.