Analyze and identify the dominant values, assumptions and processes that shape health systems and nursing care in Australia

Describe historical, social and policy issues and their impact on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people, Torres Strait Islanders and others
Use theoretical frameworks to reflect critically on how personal factors and cultural identity may influence cultural
Apply the principles of cultural safety to contexts of nursing care

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Apply principles of diabetic nursing care
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For this assignment, develop your own personal philosophy of nursing education. Choose 3 theories that guide your philosophy. Then describe how you will best educate nursing students and use the seven principles of good practice. Be sure to include the following components in your presentation:1. Provide a description of your own philosophy of nursing education using theories that guide your philosophy.

2. Describe how you will use the seven principles to educate nurses in the classroom and clinical settings.

3. Determine if these seven principles apply to the online environment.

4. Offer three examples of classes and/or assignments where you use your philosophy.

5. Present relevant literature to support your philosoph