Business research methods
Concise insights into overall research including outline of research aim and objectives
Brief outline of report structure
• Research Methodology through an explanation and justification of:
Elements of Philosophy.
Opposing Philosophical extremes.
Research Paradigms.
5 Major Philosophies.
• Research Methods through an explanation and justification of:
Research Choices.
Research Time Horizons.
• Design through an outline and justification (advantages and disadvantage) of.
Data Collection Techniques.
Participant Sampling Strategy.
Questionnaire and Interview or Focus Group Design/Protocol.
Data Analysis Method, Technique, Procedure .
Explain and justify overall research design, including a fully rationalised research design diagram.
Identify any issues relevant to Research Ethics (include approved research ethics form RE1 in appendix) with explanation of how they can be avoided
• Results from Pilot Study.
Report the results from pilot study (with appropriate figures, tables and diagrams).
Basic analysis and discussion of these results;
• Conclusion and Dissertation Plan.
Explain possible research limitations.
Outline any changes based on pilot study.
Provide a draft dissertation plan (Gantt Chart) with explanation This report should also include an appropriate title page, contents page and reference page. A consistent Harvard referencing style should be used throughout, with the majority of sources expected to come from peer-reviewed academic journals.
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