Describe a hypothetical health care organization using the products of this course and any other resources that may be useful.
Suggested Topic Areas• Cultural issues in provision of services.
• Use of psychotropic medications – with specific disorders or specific populations (such as children).
• Wrap-around versus traditional mental health services.
• Specific treatment approaches with specific types of mental illness – For example…
o Community-based services for chronically mentally ill.
o Dialectic-Behavioral Therapy for various diagnostic groups.
• Efficacy of various treatment approaches.
• Mental health services for an aging population.
• Impact of the Affordable Care Act.
• The medical home model.
• Etc.
While a variety of sources may be used for this type of paper, an adequate number of sources should be from refereed journals, such as the Journal of Counseling and Development, Professional Psychology, The American Psychologist, and similar publications.
You may also use supplementary sources, such as…
• Professional and advocacy organization websites.
• Popular press sources such as the NY Times, Time, The Huffington Post.
But, these should not represent the majority or be your primary sources.
Of course, books on specific topics are appropriate sources.
Do not use Wikipedia.
Writing Guidelines
The paper should be 7 – 10 pages and written in APA format. Be sure to cite sources and list references at the end of the paper.
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