Design an intervention program to persuade people to adopt a healthy behavior (e.g., exercising, condom use, healthy diet, wear sunscreen, etc.).

You are to design an intervention program to persuade people to adopt a healthy behavior (e.g., exercising, condom use, healthy diet, wear sunscreen, etc.). This intervention should incorporate at least three social psychological theories (or concepts). The paper should be 5 to 8 pages (excluding Title page
and References) and submitted in Word.

You will use APA format for this paper and include at least five references from peer-reviewed journal articles in the area of social psychology.Note that you are allowed only one single-sentence quote. The norm in psychology papers is to paraphrase. The use of web-based resources (e.g., Wikipedia) for the paper is not permitted, with the exception of published scholarship that is available electronically (e.g., through PsycINFO), or unless have approved the use of a specific source in advance. Students who include and cite unapproved web-based sources in their written assignments will lose points.

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