There are several sources for accreditation that have developed quality measurements for primary care. Three of the most commonly used are: CMS (Medicare); NCQA HEDIS measures, and the Joint Commisstion. Visit the website for each and review the quality measures for primary care. Then answer two or more of the questions below. I prefer that students post critical evaluations of the websites with your opionions rather than simply summarizing and rephrasing what you read. I encourage you to dialog with each other and engage in professional debate about the questions below. Remember, you do not have to answer all of the questions below. Just pick two questions that reflect your interest after reviewing the websites.


Describe what you notice in terms of areas of overlap between the three measures as well as any unique features for each measurement set.

Provide a critical review of the metrics. Are the meaures meaningful? Are there areas that you think are important for quality in primary care that are missing?

What has been your experience working with national accreditaiton quality meausures? If you are currently working in a healthcare setting what national quality measures are used? Have you had experience working on projects to measure quality? If you are not currently working in a healthcare setting, describe your experience in the past with national accreditation quality measures.

CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Quality Measures and Performance Standards

NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home Recognition webpage:

The Joint Commission Primary Care Medical Home Certification Option (click the link for “Complimentary Self-Assessment for PCMH Certification for Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals)