should governments be obliged to ensure that free, accessible healthcare is available to all citizens, irrespective of age or health status?

Discuss public healthcare provision in two countries to support your response.


What is a personal research Study/ Project study?

Where do you start?

What is required to make this a successful project?

What skills will you need to ensure you complete each stage effectively?

Research, primary and secondary sources

Books, journals, web sources, internet, interviews, observation, interpretation of all of these

Basic Requirements:

1,500 words. Word processed, Arial 12 pt double spaced

Academic Conventions/requirements:

1 A research project using Referencing conventions, aware of plagiarism and avoiding this.

2 A well-argued piece, demonstrating the ability to argue, put forward different points of view – backed up with quotes, evidence and discussion utilised.

3 An introduction, middle and end/conclusion

4 Correct referencing of at least 4 sources (books, journals, web)

Timeline and Interim Deadlines – Individual tutorials throughout

1 – Ideas, 3 possibles and then decide and agree working title

2 – Decide on 1 that you will then carry out.

3 – Scope out sources and start to draft out study plan –

4 – Include at least 4 references to include books, magazine/journals, newspapers and web sources

5 – Structure:

history, context
exploration of key issues and findings
Link words, confident use of specialist vocabulary
6 – Structure – revisit and start to draft

7 – Initial Draft submission

8 – Final submission, 1,500