School Psychologist and Sports Psychologist


· Yvette Lunday

WednesdayMay 2 at 9:40pm

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School Psychologist and Sports Psychologist

School psychologists as the name suggest they work within the school environment to ascertain that students with mental issues are well taken care of. As such, they work within the school by coming up with conceptions that may avail these students progress along with their daily cognition activities. Therefore, their obligations involve assessing and coming up with developing scholastic plans and individual programs for such students that are under their consultations. However, these school psychologists can work as either permanent employees or consultative employees of the institutions who only come to offer their accommodations at a specific time of the day on a weekly basis. In this case, they are expected to take care of the various minor issues that may be affecting the students. Besides that, they should additionally be able to take care of critical mental issues that affect such students (Mascret, Elliot, & Cury, 2017).

However, in contrary, the clinical psychologists deal with the already mentally affected patients. They are also responsible for attending to other critical issues within the healthcare facility. Their routine is fine-tuned within a facility and they are in most cases perpetual employees of such institutions. Their goals are much wider as compared to the goals of the school psychologists. Besides that, they incline to mostly lean their focus on the mental issues affecting the cognition process and the already diagnosed persons (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2014).

On the other hand, the sports psychology is an expert that deals with the athletes to ensure that their mental-stability is fine. For instance, they must ascertain that the athletes are mentally prepared before going into the competition. They also have developed a program in which the affected athletes have to adhere to for assistance that can help them. Therefore, in this case, their main objective and focus are to assist the athletes into achieving their goals, along with helping them maintain their mental stability in cases where they are mentally disturbed (Gill, Williams, & Reifsteck, 2017).


Gill, D., Williams, L., & Reifsteck, E. (2017). Psychological dynamics of sport and exercise. Human Kinetics.

Mascret, N., Elliot, A. J., & Cury, F. (2017). The 3× 2 achievement goal questionnaire for teachers. Educational Psychology, 37(3), 346-361.

Seligman, M. E., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2014). Positive psychology: An introduction. In Flow and the foundations of positive psychology (pp. 279-298). Springer Netherlands

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Jean Henry

ThursdayMay 3 at 12:53pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Hi Yvette

Thank you for sharing these initial thoughts. So, what are the ethical guidelines that must be considered for each? What ethical code(s) and specific ethical standards from that or those codes are relevant here?

Dr Henry

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Yvette Lunday

FridayMay 4 at 5:26am

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Hello Yvette,

You have done a great job in defining who a sports psychologist and school psychologist is. It is indeed true that the role of a school psychologist is to look after the mental and psychological health of the students. This position is very significant for the academic progress of the student. The psychologist is in the school compound has up-to-date information on the student health progress and records. These records are accurately collected and used to monitor the well-being of the students. One of the key roles of the school psychologist is to develop scholastic plans and specialized individual plans for the students (Lee, 2005).

There are two approaches that the school can take to integrate the services of a psychologist to the educational needs of the students. The school can either choose to employ a trained psychologist or to seek the service of a consultant. Other than taking care of minor psychology issues, the psychologist also acts as a point of reference when the students develop complex issues and require further medical assistance.

You have aptly defined the roles and duties of the sports psychologist, school psychologist, and clinical psychologist. The clinical psychologist handles the issues within the intuition. Her duty is to the institution where she has been employed. The clinical psychologist has a wider scope than the school psychologist. She is the employee of the specific institution and her role is defined by the institution. The sports psychology is a practitioner whose role is to ensure that the athletes have a good mental stability. They develop programs for the athletes to help them remain in the right psychological state at any time; but especially before they go into an event (Hughes & Youngson, 2009). It is true that a sports psychologist is an integral part of an athlete training program.


Hughes, J. N., & Youngson, S. (2009). Personal development and clinical psychology. Chichester, West Sussex: BPS Blackwell.

Lee, S. W. (2005). Encyclopedia of school psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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Jean Henry

FridayMay 4 at 12:34pm

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Hi Yvette

Thank you for the follow-up notes here. What do we know currently that would support these messages (briefly cited and referenced) from current (no more than seven years old) scholarly sources? What ethical code(s) and specific ethical standards from that or those codes are relevant here?

Dr. Henry

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Jean Henry

YesterdayMay 7 at 5:29pm

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I look forward to hearing your thoughts today. 🙂

Dr Henry

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