Alcohol consumption in young adults in Australia
Provide a strong justification for each decision you make
Concisely summarize the magnitude of the public health issue and briefly discusses the at-risk population(s) and contributing risk factors/enablers that are influential and amenable to change. Draws on this summary to present a very strong argument for intervention. Argument is well supported by appropriate references. References show evidence of wider reading.
Identifies an appropriate, well-constructed, and easily understood goal and associated objectives. The objectives clearly relate to and underpin the achievement of the overarching goal. The selected population(s) is appropriate. Goal, objectives, and population are clearly justified by the student’s argument for intervention
Conducts a thorough critical appraisal of the evidence base for the intervention. Explicit and well-founded links to argument for intervention and the stated goal, objectives, and target population. Discusses gaps and limitations in the evidence base. Argument is well supported by references. References show evidence of wider reading
Proposes a relevant intervention, with a very strong justification. There are explicit and well-founded links between the student’s critique of the evidence base and the proposed intervention. Relevant values and principles and theoretical frameworks are also used where appropriate and with strong justification provided. Limitations of the proposed intervention are highlighted and addressed. Argument is well supported by references. References show evidence of wider reading
Presents a relevant and coherent evaluation framework. Excellent consideration of all evaluation levels. Indicators and measurement methods are appropriate and very well justified. Identifies and discusses any issues that influenced the evaluation framework design and/or weaknesses or limitations. Argument is well supported by references. References show evidence of wider reading.
produce a 1-page summary as an attachment (not included in the word count), documenting your literature search strategy conducted for this assessment according to the template