Describe the relationship between mental health and the legal system, using your course readings and the news articles.
Describe the relationship between mental health and the legal system, using your course readings and the news articles.
Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.
Use APA style and formatting.
Think about the importance of the work you have done so far in the course and the research you will be doing to complete your course project. For this discussion, complete the following:
Determine the purpose of health services research.
Describe an effective approach.
Obesity is a major health issue in the United States. What environmental factors do you believe have contributed to obesity?
What health concerns can result from obesity?
How can advocates, policy makers, and others get individuals to adopt more healthy habits that could prevent obesity and health problems that stem from it?
What commercial factors contribute to obesity and should the government be able to rule what private businesses and corporations do in this area?