Determine three specific reasons why healthcare organizations should conduct an analysis of the external environment on a regular basis.

Determine three specific reasons why healthcare organizations should conduct an analysis of the external environment on a regular basis. Support your recommendation with examples.

2, Examine three barriers to an effective environmental analysis. Determine whether or not the barriers that you have examined would delay the strategic planning process. Provide a rationale for your response.

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Can a person perform the tasks that are governed by a license without obtaining one? A person can get behind a wheel of a vehicle and drive on the public roads without obtaining a driver’s license. Does the same hold true for a healthcare license? Can a person practice medicine or perform medical tasks and procedures without actually holding a license? What mechanism do you think might be in place to stop or identify this type of practice? How is the public protected from unlawful practice by an unlicensed person? Discuss the legal scope of practice for Medical Assistants.

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