holistic nursing intervention you will use to achieve the outcome for each of the nursing diagnoses
1. Review the needs, challenges or problems you identified in your Case Study from last week’s assignment. For each need, challenge or problem identified, provide a desired outcome. Include a supporting rationale for each desired outcome. Outcomes should be stated as SMART goals (specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-limited).
2. List at least one holistic nursing intervention you will use to achieve the outcome for each of the nursing diagnoses listed on your plan. Provide supporting rationale for each chosen intervention. The rationale should include what the intervention will provide for the patient, what level of the person it will address, and how it will assist the patient in achieving the desired outcome.
3. Define the evaluation criteria to track the effect of each of the interventions on the patient’s health and healing process.
Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Provided a desired outcome (SMART goal) for each need, challenge or problem identified, and included a supporting rationale for each desired outcome — (24 Points).
Listed at least one holistic nursing intervention for each of need, challenge, or problem identified, and provided supporting rationale for each intervention — (28 Points)