Explain the functional differences between a regulatory agency, such as a board of nursing, and a professional nursing organization as it pertains to your professional nursing practice.
A. Explain the functional differences between a regulatory agency, such as a board of nursing, and a professional nursing organization as it pertains to your professional nursing practice.
B. Identify two provisions from the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics
1. Explain how each provision identified in part B influences your professional nursing practice by using a clinical example.
C. Identify four professional traits from the ANA Code of Ethics provisions.
1. Explain how you will bring the professional traits identified in part C to an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals.
D. Identify a nursing theory that has influenced your professional practice.
1. Explain how this theory fits your professional practice.
E. Discuss how the contributions of one historical nursing figure have impacted your professional nursing practice, including modern-day application.
F. Describe a real-world situation or hypothetical scenario in which you, as a nurse, protected two of the following principles for the patient:
• beneficence
• nonmaleficence
• respect for autonomy
• justice