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2017-03-06 00:21
CapstoneProjectMilestone 1:
Practice Issue andEvidenceSummaryGuidelines
Clear identification of the practice issue is the first step in evidence-based nursing. Next the evidence is reviewed to determine the best intervention to change practice outcomes.Completion of the milestone will include identification of the practice issue using the ACE Star model of Knowledge Transformation and a review of the evidence that will support an intervention that will change outcomes. The evidence summary will be conducted through the breaking down of a systematic review on your topic foryour change project.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO4: Develops and outlines a scientific systematic decision-making process to integrate critical thinking with clinical judgment to assure safe and effective outcomes. (PO #4)
CO8: Selects evidence for best practice when planning professional nursing care for individuals families aggregates and communities. (PO #8)
Due Dates
Milestone #1 consists of the completion oftwoworksheets (Practice Issue Worksheet) and (Evidence Summary Worksheet). Submit the completed worksheetsto the Dropbox by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end ofWeek 3.
Milestone #1 is worth175 points(75 points for the Practice Issue and 100 points for the Evidence Summary).
Practice Issue WorksheetDirections
1.Practice Issue Worksheet:
a.Read the guidelines including the grading rubrics below.You will use this worksheet todocument the practice issue presented and approved by your instructor in the Week 2 Discussions.
i.Your practice issue will be the same for all three Milestone assignments in this course.
b.Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.
Evidence Summary WorksheetDirections
2.Evidence Summary Worksheet:
a.Read the guidelines including the grading rubrics below. You will use this worksheet to incorporate your evidence summary into your Week 4 Milestone 2 assignment.
b.Find a systematic review article in the Chamberlain library on your topic. Your Systematic Review Article must bepeer-reviewedand include anarrative summary.
i.Go to the Chamberlain Library click on RNBSN; NR451 Capstone course.You can find systematic reviews from many databases within the library or by searching from the library homepage main search bar.
ii.To search combine the phrase ‘systematic review’ withyour topic using the Boolean search operator AND. For example if you are looking for a systematic review on fall prevention you would use this Boolean search phrase: systematic review AND fall prevention.
c.Type in your practice issue in the search tab; choose a systematic review article with anarrative summaryto complete your worksheet.
d.Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.
Grading Criteria:Practice issue
Practiceissue statement scope of practice practice area
Identifies a Practice issue statement that isan independent nursing decision.
Describes thescope ofpractice issues.
Example: The number of falls in your facilityhas been increasingespecially during shift change.What do you believe may be causing this? Are there any new interventions that could be put into place that would lessenoreliminatethe falls?Thisis where you begin your initialsearchinto the problem or practice issue identified.
Identifies the practice area.
Practice issue identification rationaleforselections
Identifies howrationale behind howthepractice issue was selectedas apractice issue/problem
Documents the practice issue in a logical manner.
Types of evidenceto gather rationaleforselections
Identifies anddocumentstypes of evidence that must be gatheredforreviewof the Practice Issue.
Describesrationale for each type of evidence that is selected.
75 points
Grading Rubric:Practice Issue
Assignment Criteria
A (100%)
Outstanding or highest level of performance
B (88%)
Very good or high level of performance
C (80%)
Competent or satisfactory level of performance
NI (38%)
Needs Improvement
Poor or failing level of performance
F (0%)
Unsatisfactory level of performance
Practiceissue statement scope ofpractice practice area
20 points
Practice issueis identified.
Practice issueis anindependent nursing decision.
Scope of practice issue isfully described.
Practice area identified.
Practice Issueis identifiedbut is not clear.
Practice issueis an independent nursing decision.
Scope of practice issue is described in simple terms.
Practice area identified.
Practice Issueis identifiedbut is not clearlyrelated to a nursing practice issue.
PracticeIssue isnot anindependent nursing decision.
Scope of practice issue is described but is not logical in comparison to Practice Issue described.
Practice area identified.
Practice Issueisunclear.
Practice Issueis not an independent nursing decision.
Scope of practice issue is not described.
Practice area identified.
8 points
Practice Issueisnotidentified; practice issue isnot an independent nursing decision; scope of practice issue is not described; practice area is not identified.
0 points
Practice issue identification rationaleforselections
35 points
Documents how the practice issue was identified.
Rationale for responsesislogical anddescribed thoroughly.
35 points
Documents howthe practice issue was identified.
Rationale for responsesislogical and brieflydescribed.
33 points
Documents howthepractice issuewas identified.
Rationalefor responsesissomewhat logical and vaguelydescribed.
Vaguely describes howthepractice issuewas identified.
Rationalefor responsesissomewhat logical and vaguely described.
15 points
Does not document how the practice issuewas identified.
Rationale is not completed.
This section of the form is blank.
0 points
Types of evidenceto gather rationaleforselections
20 points
Identifies anddocuments what types ofevidence is needed for review.
Thoroughlydescribesrationale for all checkedtypes of evidence selected.
Identifies and documents what types ofevidence is needed for review.
Briefly describesrationale forallchecked types of evidence selected.
Identifies and documents what types ofevidence is needed butincludesonlya minimum description forrationalefor selected evidence.
Does notdocumentmore than onetype ofevidence that is neededfor reviewand doesnot include rationale forselected type of evidence.
Does not document types ofevidenceorrationale.
0 points
Total Points Possible = 75 points
Grading Criteria: Evidence Summary
Practice Problem
States practice problem in own words with reference to the population setting and magnitude and inmeasurable terms.
Describes practice setting in measureable terms
Example: Consider the example given in the evidence summary above.The setting is the long term care facility where falls have been increasing and a trend has been identified that it seems to occur mainly during shift change.What do you believe may becausing this? What can be done to lessen oreliminate the falls? How does this number of falls relate to other monthsthat have been tracked?
Source of evidence
Identifies a source of evidencethatisanursing topic that is the subject of a systematic reviewarticle.
Identifies search terms.
Provides a complete reference for the systematic reviewarticle.
Objectivesof the article/Statement of questions
Identifies the objectives ofthe article.
Identifies questions being addressed by author/s.
Explainsrelationship to your practice issue.
Interventions/Main findingssummary
Summarizes in own words suggested interventions by the author/s to improve patient outcomes.
Summarizesmain findings of the author/s including strength of evidence foreach main outcome.
Describes the relevance tothe Milestone 2 paper.
Evidence-based solutions and limitations
Outlinesevidence-based solutionstoconsider forthe capstone project.
Discussesany limitations to the studiesincluded in the systematic reviewthat you believe may impact useof the evidence providedin your project.
100 points
Grading Rubric: Evidence Summary
Assignment Criteria
A (100%)
Outstanding or highest level of performance
B (88%)
Very good or high level of performance
C (80%)
Competent or satisfactory level of performance
NI (38%)
Needs Improvement
Poor or failing level of performance
F (0%)
Unsatisfactory level of performance
Practice Problem
10 points
-Practice problem is in own words with reference to the populationof interest.
-Settingof the problem isidentified
-Magnitudeof problem is discussed.
-The practice issue is stated inmeasurable terms.
Metallobjectives as stated above
10 points
-Practice problem is in own words with reference to the population of interest.
-Setting of the problem isnotdiscussed.
-Magnitude of problem is discussed.
-The practice issue is stated in measurable terms.
Met3 out of 4objectives