Choose a topic , related to psychology, in which you are interested.
Final Project/Paper (2-3 pages) 100 pts/10% of class grade
Due: Friday May 11th at 10am
· Choose a topic , related to psychology, in which you are interested.
· Listen to a Ted Talk.
TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading . TED believes passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world . They are building a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the world’s most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other. Many of the ideas here are about psychology topics.
· Find the one additional article on the topic, from a trusted academic journal (See Ch 15 slide on finding a peer-reviewed article)
20 pts = Introduction of topic (cite text book/additional sources)
20 pts= Ted talk (summary and integrate into topic information) or other approved media source
20 pts = Journal article (summary and integrate into topic information)
20pts= Personal reflection on topic (integration of material into your topic)
-How did these pieces change/added your view/knowledge about the topic.
20pts= References (APA format)
*You will be scored on comprehensiveness, clarity, and flow throughout your paper (See CANVAS for Rubric)
Your paper should consist of:
You are to write a short paper (SEE DETAILS BELOW):
1) Introduce your topic
2) Summarize ad analyze the Ted talk you listen to (using information from the book-or trusted source to tie it into your psychological topic).
3) Summarize and analyze the article you found from the respected source.
a. STATE the author(s)’s CLAIM or the POINT of the article in two to five sentences. DO NOT USE THE ABSTRACT- Summarize in your own words.
b. Briefly LIST the major points that the author(s) is using to support her/his CLAIM in a few sentences. This is where the research or information used to back up what they are saying is essential
*When analyzing your ted talk and journal article, keep in mind:
· FACTUAL EVIDENCE – Are there enough facts? Is it the information that you need? What other information do you think you need to have? What’s been left out?
· ORGANIZATION AND LOGIC – Is the argument organized in a logical way? Are there logical fallacies or organizational weaknesses? What is the author(s)’s bias (refer to the claim) ? What does the bias hide? What does it reveal?
· PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Does the article tend to challenge or validate your own point of view? If it VALIDATES it, are there parts of the argument that could be open to dispute? Which parts? Why? If it CHALLENGES it, does it lead you to change or modify your point of view? Why or why not?
4) Reflection: Now a) compare the information from the two and b) reflect on what you have learned about the topic.
5) References:
Follow this style if you viewed the talk on the TED website:
Speaker, A. A. (date). Title of talk [Video file]. Retrieved from
Aduaka, N. (2007, June). Newton Aduaka: The story of Ezra [Vilanguagrdeo file]. Retrieved from
Other References (Example)
Schacter, D. Gilbert, D. Nock, M. and Wegner,D. (2017). Psychology (4th ed.). Worth Publishers
Coltheart, M., Curtis, B., Atkins, P., & Haller, M. (1993). Models of reading aloud: Dual-route and parallel-distributed-processing approaches. Psychological Review, 100, 589-608.
Additional Paper Guidelines:
Type: Clear readable type
10-12 point
1” margin on all sides
No Cover Page: RATHER: Title centered on top of first page
Your name and the date centered under the title (see above)
Page numbers on following pages with a shortened version of you title by the page number (see how I put it on this page).
· Good professional writing should NOT use contractions. Only use contractions in personal correspondence, creative writing, informal writing…. NOT FORMAL writing or research papers.
· Start with a strong first paragraph – in fact a STRONG FIRST SENTENCE – this sets the standard for the reader and you as the writer. Make sure you first paragraph and sentence draws your reader’s attention. This is your hook.
· Organize your thoughts into coherent paragraphs. Make sure you develop your ideas well.
· Document ALL use of other source thoughts and quotes – EVEN IF YOU paraphrase the idea. ANY idea or words that are not your own should be cited.
· End with a strong concluding paragraph. Leave your reader with a “bang” or summarize your argument well. Remember this is the last impression you are leaving your reader with to understand what you are saying.
· Do NOT start “For this assignment….” I am asking you to write a paper…I know what the assignment was and am asking you to formally respond. Show me you can write well.
· PROOFREAD, look for typos, use the spellchecker, read aloud, have someone other than you read it or use the Academic Resource Center – Write Center – They are TERRIFIC…or find an English teacher or major to help you.
Citations: If you use ideas from another source (book, person, web, article etc.) you MUST reference the source. The unspoken rule is you should not use more than 5 identical words of a source without citing the source you used in quotations. To cite a summary or paraphrase, you must either mention the source in your text:
….DeSensi, in her 2012 book, The Psychology of Motivation, indicates the critical component in losing weight is a personal desire to achieve an image that is viewed attainable….
Or you cite after you use the source:
…critical to losing weight is a personal desire to achieve an attainable image (DeSensi, 2012)…
With a direct quote (again, 5 or more words of an exact source) you must cite including the page of the quote:
DeSensi (2012) reported, “The key weight reduction motivator is that the subject readily is able to image the body-type desired” (p. 87).
If you are directly quoting another source (this should be done sparingly and limited in length), you should out the information in quotes and immediately cite the source.
· Papers must be turned in through CANVAS in either .doc, .dox, of pdf format. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK AND MAKE SURE YOUR FILE IS IN THE RIGHT FORMAT AND NOT CORRUPT.
· Late papers will be penalized 20pts per day beginning 11am May 11th. (So, if you turn in your paper at 11:01 on May 11th, for example, it will be -20 points). Late papers are only accepted through Monday May 14th at noon.
· Papers submitted after May 14th will NOT be accepted. (I want you to go into the final knowing the points needed to obtain your desired grade)
· All papers will be checked for plagiarism through the Turn It In software
Psychology in Real Life 4
TED Talks/topics for Example:
Childhood trauma and Resilience
Addiction and Recovery
positive sleep habits and sleep deprivation
The psychology of beauty
concussions and the brain
Eating Disorders and treatment
Psychological impact on refugees
Language and the brain
Music and the brain
Exercise and the brain
math and the brain
reading and the brain
How technology has change social relationships
Adam Alter, “Why our screens make us less happy”
poverty and the brain’s development