In this assignment, you will first learn about hierarchical queries. Then you will create some relational databases based on data models that are not entity-relationship models

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DBST652, Lab Part 9

In this assignment, you will first learn about hierarchical queries. Then you will create some relational databases based on data models that are not entity-relationship models. Learn about hierarchical queries.

Contents Objectives: 1 Business situtation 1 Lab Details 2 Primate Species Classifications 2 Family Trees / Ancestral Charts 3 Deliverables 4


1. Implementing a relational databases base from logical models

Business situation

As you complete each task below, answer the questions that follow. Write all answers to the questions on this document.

For each item below, you will design a relational model that implements the design given. Place a copy of the DDL for the relational database and SQL for each query in the file named LabPart9.sql

1. Review the Primate Species Classifications diagram and the relational schema shown below it. Determine if the implementation of the Primate Species Classifications diagram as a relational database contained a table that contained hierarchical data. If not, design a relational table that contains hierarchical data.

a. In the space below, show the schema of the table that contains hierarchical data.

b. Write 2 queries and describe the purpose of the query.

2. Review the Plant Classification chart. Design relational database that contains a table with hierarchical data.

a. In the space below, show the schema of the table that contains hierarchical data.

b. Write 2 queries and describe the purpose of the query.

3. Review the Ancestral Chart diagram and implement it as a relational model that contains a table with hierarchical data.

a. In the space below, show the schema of the table that contains hierarchical data.

b. Write 2 queries and describe the purpose of the query.

4. List at least three resources in APA style that you used to complete the tasks in this assignment.

5. List three things that you learned from this assignment.


Primate Species Classifications

D:UMUCDBST 652Individual Project Labs 2017Fall 2017DB filesPrimate-Matrix-primates-912415_462_355.gif

A Relational model:

ID Name
1 Primates
ID Order Name
1 1 Prosimians
2 1 Anthropoids
ID Sub-order Name
1 1 Lemuriformes
2 1 Tarsiiformes
3 2 Platyrrhnies
4 2 Catarrhines
ID Sub-order Name
1 1 Lemurs
2 1 Lorises
3 2 Tarsiers
4 3 Ceboids
5 4 Cercopithecoids
6 4 Hominoids

Family Trees / Ancestral Charts

D:UMUCDBST 652Individual Project Labs 2017Fall 2017DB filesAncestral-Family-Tree-Diagram-PDF-Free-Download.jpg


1. This document with your answers.

2. sql files with comments required for this assignment:

a. LabPart9.sql

Last Updated: 1/10/2018 2:24 PM Page 1 of 5