Preserving The Relationship

From the beginning of this course, you’ve learned how an integrative bargaining approach to a negotiation is preferable when the parties want to preserve a relationship. In our project scenario, Michelle wants to continue working at the call center, and more importantly wants to maintain the good working relationship that she has cultivated with her boss, Nikki. Neither party wants the schedule dispute to derail that relationship. Nikki knows that Michelle has started bad mouthing her to the other employees because she thinks that Nikki’s approach to scheduling people based on seniority was a lazy rather than fair. Michelle’s emotions were running high when she did this, but unfortunately the remarks started to damage Nikki’s reputation as being a good supervisor. As a result, the relationship between the supervisor and employee is now strained.

For this final part of the project you will address the following questions in your paper:

Analyze and discuss the critical role of reputation, trust, and fairness as it pertains to this situation.
After meeting and discussing the issue, the two women were able to work out a schedule for Michelle that would solve her daycare issues and would be fair to the other employees. Now that the issue has been resolved, based on your readings, synthesize a plan for how the two women can work towards rebuilding their relationship.
In your paper, follow standard mechanics in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.