Explains how internal factors such as organizational processes, curriculum committees, and internal review bodies impact curriculum design and provides examples

Course Development and Influencing Factors
The previous assignments in this course focused on a specific nursing curriculum either in an academic setting or a clinical setting. Use the same curriculum as the focus for this assignment.
For this assignment, design a course to be included in your selected nursing curriculum. In your course design:
1.Provide a description of the course. In your description, include: •Course name.
•Overview of course content.
•A description of how or where the course fits in the selected curriculum.
2.Explain your rationale for including the course in the selected curriculum.
3.Provide a topical outline for the course.
4.Explain with whom and how faculty members would collaborate when considering the new course and the overall curriculum design.

•External factors, such as funding, stakeholders, and regulatory and accrediting agencies.

•The mission, philosophy, and framework of the program and parent institution.
1. Describes an appropriate course to include in a selected curriculum and explains where in the curriculum it would best fit.
2. Provides a rationale for adding a course to a selected curriculum and cites relevant sources to support the inclusion
3. Suggests a topical outline for a course to be added to a selected curriculum and shows how the topics relate to other courses in the curriculum.
4. Explains with whom and how faculty members would collaborate when considering a new course within a selected curriculum and provides a rationale for the collaborations.
5. Explains how internal factors such as organizational processes, curriculum committees, and internal review bodies impact curriculum design and provides examples

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